Unidata Policy Committee Meeting October 15, 2009 Boulder, CO
Topics ARRA Funds and Challenges NSF Budget Request Priorities U.S. Climate Change Science Program Future Staff Changes in the AGS Division
New Money for Science Agencies EPA +38% (ARRA $7.2 Billion) DOE OS +3.9% (ARRA $1.6 Billion) DOE EERE +6.4% (ARRA $16.8 Billion) NOAA +2.5% (ARRA 830 Million) NSF +8.5% (ARRA $3 Billion) NASA +5% (ARRA $1 Billion) FY 2010 President’s Request compared to FY 2009 enacted ARRA = American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
FY 2010 Budget Request to Congress Source: NSF FY2010 Budget Request to Congress 4
American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Reporting and Accountability Requirements OMB expectations for accountability & transparency for agencies and recipients Higher scrutiny from; Administration; Congress; Public; Recovery Act Accountability & Transparency Board; and NSF Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
Climate Change Science Program (US Government-wide Coordinating Activity) FY2009 & 2010 Budgets: $4.46 Billion – Development of a Climate Services System – Research to Inform Adaptation Integrated Earth-system analysis State of the Atmosphere record End-to-end hydrologic projection and application Carbon-cycle in high-latitudes Aerosol forcing & feedback quantification Role of Non-CO2 GHG, water vapor and clouds Abrupt climate change Climate change impact on ecological systems Ecological forecasting
Climate Change Science Program Expect that CCSP scope, composition and responsibilities will be revisited and reauthorized by Congress All 21 of Synthesis and Assessment publications completed Unified Synthesis Product: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States Summarizes climate change science, current and future impacts, integrates those results from those around the world.
Climate Change Science Program Expect that CCSP scope, composition and responsibilities will be revisited and reauthorized by Congress All 21 of Synthesis and Assessment publications completed Unified Synthesis Product: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States Summarizes climate change science, current and future impacts, integrates those results from those around the world.
NSF’s Climate Research Special Emphasis Area in the 2010 Budget Strong Support by the Administration and Congress
FY 2010 Budget Request for NSF NSF's FY 2010 Budget Request is $7.045 billion, an increase of $555 million (8.5 percent). Focus on Climate Change: New Climate Change Education Program ($10.0 million in FY 2009 and FY 2010); Increase for NSF contribution to the Climate Change Science Program (36.6 percent increase to $299.91 million); and New NSF-wide focus on Climate Research.
NSF Requests $7B for FY 2010 Improve American Competitiveness through investments in science and technology to foster economic growth; improve the quality of life; and strengthen our national security. Support researchers at the beginning of their careers through NSF's Graduate Research Fellowship and Faculty Early Career Development programs. Educate science and engineering technicians through the Advanced Technological Education program, which focuses on two-year colleges Encourage promising high-risk research that could fundamentally alter our understanding of nature, revolutionize fields of science, and lead to radically new technologies. Make climate change research and education a priority. To predict future environmental conditions and to develop strategies for responding to global environmental change. Establish a climate change education program to help develop the next generation of environmentally engaged scientists and engineers.
NRC Recommendations for Restructuring Federal Climate Research Integrated scientific-societal issues Interactions among the climate, human, and environmental systems U.S. climate observing system including physical, biological, and social observations Coupled Earth system models Adaptation 13
Major Components of NSF’s Climate Research Foci Partnerships Modeling , scaling, complexity Fundamental research Environmental observation Adaptation Geosciences Biological Sciences Office of Polar Programs Education and human Research Climate Research (+$46.0 million for a total of $46.0 million). In FY 2010, BIO will make a major investment in NSF’s new Climate Research effort. NSF proposes an integrated approach that includes: modeling of basic natural and human processes; fundamental research to support paradigm development and predictive understanding; environmental observation; inquiry-based studies of integrated natural and human systems; and research on the environmental significance of adaptation and mitigation strategies. Specific emphases include: • Modeling: Enhance scalability of climate and ecosystem models to move climate modeling from the global to the regional scale; move ecological modeling from the local to the regional scale; and improve predictability at multiple scales to inform decision makers; • Fundamental Research: Support a broad research portfolio in carbon cycling, biodiversity, and ecological systems and expand the Nation’s workforce trained to address complex environmental challenges; • Observation: Improve, upgrade and deploy critical environmental observing platforms and systems (Long Term Ecological Research and the National Ecological Observatory Network) and partner with the USDA to establish a set of Urban Long Term Research Areas. The long-term goal of this program is to assert U.S. leadership in providing and communicating the fundamental knowledge base on climate change. 14
AGS Future Personnel Changes The search for AGS Division Director is ongoing Clifford Jacobs detailed to OPP Steve Nelson is still Acting Section Head for ULAFOS Jay Fein’s replacement is being sought Brad Smull is the new PDMP Manager
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