Enter Year Enter School Name Professional Development Unit By: Enter Your Name
What did I do in my classroom and with my team during the course of the PDU? Please add your response here. Approximately one paragraph.
What am I working on in my classroom as a result of the PD What am I working on in my classroom as a result of the PD? What am I doing to further my own research? Please add your response here of approximately one paragraph.
Why is this process important to me and to my growth as a professional? Please add your response here of approximately one paragraph.
What did I learn from the PDU and strategy implementation in my classroom? Please add your response of approximately one paragraph here.
How did this experience impact my work and my students? Please add your response here, think about your SGO data and your student narrative.
What are my PD needs for next year in terms of classroom culture and instruction? Please add your response here and be as specific as possible so we can best service your needs.
How will I use my new learning in the future to further my practice? Please add your response here of approximately one paragraph.
Peer Evaluation #1 Name of colleague: Position and content: “Aha” moments: Notes about the material being presented: Questions and insights:
Peer Evaluation #2 Name of colleague: Position and content: “Aha” moments: Notes about the material being presented: Questions and insights:
Peer Evaluation #3 Name of colleague: Position and content: “Aha” moments: Notes about the material being presented: Questions and insights:
Exit Ticket Please write 3 things you wish to see in next year’s PDU 2 things that you took away from the PDU this year 1 piece of constructive criticism