Assessment Activities SS2G2 The student will describe the cultural and geographic systems associated with the historical figures in SS2H1 and Georgia’s Creeks and Cherokees. a. Identify specific locations significant to the life and times of each historic figure on a political map. d. Trace examples of travel and movement of these historic figures and their ideas across time. Limited or Minimum Progress toward achievement of standard (1) Student is not able to identify specific locations or trace travel/movement of historic figures taught during this grading period. Progressing toward achievement of standard (2) Student inconsistently identifies specific locations or traces travel/movement of historic figures taught during this grading period. Consistently and independently achieves the standard (3) Student consistently and independently identifies specific locations and traces travel/movement of historic figures taught during this grading period. Assessment Activities Have students identify specific locations significant to the life of each historic figure. (Georgia Experience Color Overhead Transparency #9 Whose Hometown? could be used for this.) Have students trace the movement of each historic figure on a map. (This should only include significant locations.) Write a paragraph to tell how the journeys of the Creek and Cherokee were alike. Add Georgia location and travel to the anchor chart for each historic figure. See Assessment Activities SS2H1a. Add Georgia locations to the classroom map of Georgia. See Assessment Activities SS2G1a and SS2G1b. Instructional Notes: Students should know: travel affects the way we think. where people live matters. During the 1st grading period: where in Georgia the Creek and Cherokee lived; how and why they were relocated to Oklahoma. During the 2nd grading period: Oglethorpe traveled from England to begin a new colony in Georgia at Yamacraw Bluff. Oglethorpe, Musgrove, and Tomochichi lived in the Coastal Plain region. Sequoyah traveled throughout Cherokee country and eventually moved to Oklahoma. During the 3rd grading period: Jackie Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia. As a baseball player, he traveled throughout the United States. Martin Luther King, Jr. grew up in Atlanta and traveled throughout the country to promote civil rights. During the 4th grading period: Jimmy Carter was born in Plains, Georgia. When he was elected president he moved to Washington, D.C. and later traveled throughout the U.S. and the world to promote human rights. Instructional Websites: All Things Geography 1734 Map of Savannah 1734 Map of Georgia Colony 1780 Map of Georgia 1