A Cherokee Legend Vocabulary
A Cherokee Legend - Vocabulary dichotomy – (noun) a division into two parts or classifications that are opposing yet connected. This either/or dichotomy is a phony one, since there are other options. inferiority –(adj.) less important, valuable, or worthy Inept at games, he lived in the shadow of his dashing older brother and felt a sense of inferiority. ego – (noun) conceit; self-importance: Her ego becomes more unbearable each day. serenity – (noun) the state of being calm: peacefulness Her serenity was threatened by the chaos around her. humility – (noun) the downplaying of one's own importance, rank In the medieval era, humility was seen as a great virtue. benevolence – (noun) desire to do good to others If a student is intentionally rude to me, I lose all sense of benevolence. empathy – (noun) experiencing the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another As a doctor, you have to be a people person and have empathy.