(Submitted by José Mauro de Rezende) STATUS OF RTH BRASILIA (Submitted by José Mauro de Rezende) ________________________________________________________________ Summary and Purpose of Document This document includes the report on the status of implementation of RTH Brasilia GENEVA, 23 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2008
Message Switching System was replaced in September 2007. TCP Socket and standard FTP are the main protocols. There is only one asynchronous channel left. Built-in module to convert TAC into TDCF and vice versa. Module to convert AWS data into BUFR.
WMC Washington: 64 Kbps - Leased Line. RTH Buenos Aires: 64 Kbps - Leased Line. Some NMC´s in the Region III connected via Internet. Monitoring Procedures done via METDATA Monitor AFD is largely used to exchange files between centers out of the GTS.
Message Switching System: MOVING WEATHER HP Proliant ML 350 G5 XEON Core Duo 1 GByte RAM 4x72 GBytes HD Red Hat Enterprise 4
Traffic by minutes handled by Moving Weather WMO Traffic by minutes handled by Moving Weather Includes all channels.
WMC Washington - Alphanumerical Bulletins
WMC Washington - Binary Bulletins
RTH Buenos Aires - Alphanumerical Bulletins The binary channel is disconnected.
RTH Maracay - Alphanumerical Bulletins
File Transfer: AFD 1.3.6 IBM e-Server xSeries 236 2 XEON Core Duo 3.0 GHz 4 GByte RAM 350 GBytes HD DLT Tape Drive Red Hat Enterprise 4 - 2.6.9-5.ELsmp
Traffic handled by AFD
WMC Washington - RARS
WIS INPE/CPTEC - DCPC functions SIMDAT How to proceed?
________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU! ________________________________________________________________ jmauro.rezende@inmet.gov.br