COURSE SELECTION on Grade 9’s selecting their Grade 10 year
Reminders: Choosing Courses Make REALISTIC choices based on strengths and interests EXPLORE : The Arts, Technology, Business, Physical Education, French/Spanish etc. Ensure you have the course PREREQUISITE for compulsory courses e.g. Academic to Academic
Reminders: Course Levels ENG1P0 and SNC1P0 can lead to ENG2D0 and SNC2D0 (80% or higher to consider) MUST have grade 9 Academic Math to take grade 10 Academic Math
Reminders: Special Courses AMR (Morning Repertoire) select along with your AMI course
High School Planner
Review Your Courses
Graduation Indicator Check diploma requirements 8 credits by June 5 compulsory credits and 3 optional credits required 1 grade 9/10 Arts credit Community service
Submit Your Courses Do NOT hit “SUBMIT” until you are 100% sure Course Selection Closes Friday January 9th Re-submission is NOT possible without seeing your Counsellor Print copy, signed by parents, and return to HF teacher by Monday January 12th
Sign-Off Sheet
Summer School See counselor in March New! Register online (Date TBD) 40% or higher in a course=2 weeks makeup Below 40% = 1 full month
Finally If you must make changes, do it before the end of the school year!