Scientific Investigation Instructional Strategies Title of Your IC Teacher Team List (include districts and schools) Generative Question Insert your generative question and a short discussion (if appropriate) here Scientific Investigation Insert a discussion of the science behind your generative question and instructional case. Assessments Identify and describe appropriate types of assessment(s) that you will use to test student mastery of the learning objectives and process skills. Include formative assessments that identify misconceptions and prior knowledge. If possible, include performance based assessment as a formative or summative evaluation. When the assessments are finalized later in the school year, please attach copies of the assessments including rubrics, scoring guides, etc. Keep in mind that an assessment need not be a formal test but can be a more informal exercise, or task, e.g. a probe, “exit ticket,” reflection piece, labeling a diagram, etc. Instructional Strategies Identify instructional strategies that support differentiated student-centered learning for all students especially English learners and special education students, Learning Objectives Insert the learning objectives for the content knowledge from the unpacked standards, (the components of the concept standard, (e.g. 3.a., 3.b., 4.a.) covered by this lesson. Insert the related process skills from the unpacked standards, (the Investigation & Experimentation standards, e.g. 7.a, 7.b) covered by this lesson. Keep in mind that your content learning objectives are the foundations for the process skills you plan to target. You do not need to address all aspects of each of the content standard components and process skills. (Use unpacked standards) If possible, identify common misconceptions associated with the lesson topic. Lesson Planning Describe the instructional sequence for the lessons and activities that will establish a conceptual flow to ensure student mastery of the learning objectives & process skills. Included selected appropriate hands-on/minds-on/inquiry activities and/or labs that provide relevant experiences leading students to master the learning objectives and process skills. Include use of the 5 Essential Elements of Inquiry (see notes from Day 1) Specify the sequential assessments with the activities/lessons that provide the daily choreography for this instructional unit. Insert Other Issues Insert a discussion of other issues such as resources, capstone student work related to the instructional case, etc. if appropriate.