No…not of the Santa variety either Clauses No…not of the Santa variety either
Independent Clauses Fancy name for a sentence They have a subject and a verb Can have compound subject Can have compound verb They make sense on their own. They can stand by themselves. Nothing else is needed I’m a big boy now!
Independent Clause Example Mrs. Buchholz likes the students in her English class. The Minnesota Twins will be the A.L. Champions by the end of the season. Reeses and Crunch run around the living room and chase after each other.
Dependent Clauses Fancy name for a fragment They are broken sentences. It needs an independent clause (sentence) attached to it in order to be complete They do not make sense by themselves They are only part of an idea Look for your elephant words Then a subject Then a verb Commas
Dependent Clause Examples After the batter hit the ball… Since I did not turn in my English paper… …because English is my favorite class
Dependent Clause Commas Because the Minnesota Twins are awesome, they will win the A.L. central. Mrs. Buchholz works in a school because she has fun teaching students. Reeses and Crunch, after they stuffed their faces, played vigorously.