Program Metrics - Criteria for “Individual Task” Ratings General definition for “Stoplight” Metrics charts can be modified to meet specific needs Criteria to be used for “Individual” Production and Development Tasks: Green (G) - All internal and external milestones are on schedule, and Estimate at Completion (EAC) is at or below baselined/negotiated cost of the project. Yellow (Y) - All external milestones are on schedule, but there is a slip of the internal milestones and/or Estimate at Completion (EAC) is between 100%-105% of baselined/negotiated cost of the project. Project needs additional attention to verify that external milestones are kept. Red (R) - External milestones are slipping or the internal milestones are to-be-determined (TBD), and/or Estimate at Completion (EAC) is greater than 105% of baselined/negotiated cost of the project. 2
Program Metrics - Criteria for “Overall” Rating Criteria to be used for "Overall” Production and Development Ratings: The rating is red if there are less than 80% of the items that have been rated as Green. S > 80% green = R The rating is yellow if there are between 80%-90% of the items that have been rated as green. 90% > S < 80%green = Y The rating is green if there are greater than 90% of the items that have been rated as green. S < 90% green = G 3