By: Devan Rasmussen, Zachary Lindahl, Christina Tergevorkian and Emily Lanie
Interview with Gaurav Patel
Do kids have the same equal rights as adults? HUMAN RIGHT 1 Do kids have the same equal rights as adults?
WE ARE ALL BORN FREE AND EQUAL Do people born below the cast system have equal rights?
Does everyone have an equal chance of being trafficked in India?
What type of people are the ones trafficking others?
No Slavery No One Shall Be Held In Slavery Or Servitude; Slavery And The Slave Trade Shall Not Be Prohibited In All Their Forms.
How Large Is Scale Of Human Slavery In India?
Who Is Being Affected By Slavery In India?
Human Right 5
What do Traffickers do?
High Profits, Low Risks
No Escape and the Effects
Marriage and Family
Do Indian families understand that human trafficking is a big issue in their country?
How do the men being wed to women that are part of human trafficking feel about marrying someone against that person's will?
How many children are being taken away from their family members to be put in sex trafficking? How old are the children normally when they are taken?
What are children normally used for in Sex Trafficking?
Mirroring and Controlling Activity Pair up with a partner. Partner 1 will be allowed to talk and will be in control of partner 2. Partner 2 cannot say anything and must do everything that Partner 1 tells them to do. Partners will be allowed to walk around the building and perform controlling tasks that follow along with school rules and do not cause harm to your partner. Meet back in class after 5 minutes to discuss and answer some questions. NOTE: this activity must follow school rules.