Update on Data Analysis Generated 1M events of e + Pb208 collisions at 10 40 GeV/n with 1 < Q2 < 20, 0.3 < y < 0.95, parameter settings tuned by Mark, genShd = 3 After applying a cut, x < 0.002, about 38% of events left Considered tagging using evaporation neutrons all neutrons all combinations of neutron, proton, deuteron, and multiplicities true T(b) data for comparison Regenerated input file for GEMC with 50 mrad rotation of all particles Amy is running GEMC simulations Generated 1M events of e + Pb208 collisions at 10 40 GeV/n with 1 < Q2 < 20, 0.01 < y < 0.95, parameter settings tuned by Mark, genShd = 1
Update on Data Analysis Further analysis of the same data sample: 1 < Q2 < 20, 0.3 < y < 0.95, parameter settings tuned by Mark, genShd = 3 Considered tagging using residual nucleus rigidity A of residual nucleus
To Do T(b) plots try combining A with evaporation neutron multiplicity? ratio of T(b) to that of evaporation neutrons to the 10/3 power d plots same as for T(b) but with x > 0.02 cut using the second data sample T(b) plots using simulation data for particles detected after the downstream ion quad triplet evaporation neutron multiplicity total neutron multiplicity evaporation proton multiplicity total proton multiplicity A of residual nucleus rigidity of residual nucleus d plots using simulation data for particles detected after the downstream ion quad triplet