Read the selection “Charge” and complete the paper you were given March 12, 2015 Warmup: Read the selection “Charge” and complete the paper you were given Have on your desk HW (Gettysburg Address) Emancipation Proclamation Letter Analysis Chap. 2 Sections 2 and 3 HW: Begin creating a study guide for a quiz on the Civil War next week.
Emancipation Proclamation When was the proclamation supposed to take effect? What did it proclaim?
Emancipation Proclamation Frederick Douglass said: “To fight against slaveholders, without fighting slavery, is but half-hearted business, and paralyzes the hands engaged in it. Fire must be met with water…War for the destruction of liberty must be met with war for the destruction of slavery.” How do his words explain the purpose of the war as declared in the Proclamation?
Emancipation Proclamation How does the Proclamation adhere to the ideals set forth by the Founding Fathers?
Emancipation Proclamation How do you think the Southern states responded to this proclamation?
Emancipation Proclamation Did this Proclamation free all the slaves? Why/why not?
Battle at Gettysburg
What is Gettysburg? Fought in south central Pennsylvania July 1863 the greatest battle of the Civil War Fought in south central Pennsylvania July 1863 Considered the turning point of the war Confederate causalities in dead, wounded and missing were 28,000 out of 75,000. Union casualties were 23,000 out of 88,000.
At the end of the Battle of Gettysburg, more than 51,000 Confederate and Union soldiers were wounded, missing, or dead. Many of those who died were laid in makeshift graves along the battlefield.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Gettysburg Address
Gettysburg Address Lincoln surprised the audience with a short three minute speech after a two-hour speech by Edward Stanton. The audience was completely silent after the speech and Lincoln thought that he had not spoken well. They were really in awe of what he said.
What was happening “four score and seven years” before Lincoln’s speech? Who are our “fathers”?
What example does Lincoln give the audience on the principles upon which the United States was founded?
How do you know that Lincoln honors all who have died here not just the Union soldiers? Why would he make sure to do this?
What does he say is the significance of this war to the country?
What is your impression about the type of President Lincoln was during this time of crisis?