The Money Saving Card Your Staff Discount Card
What is the Money Saving Card? The UK’s largest discount card Providing your staff with discounts locally and on their high street Cards have a high perceived value and low unit cost
A Rapidly Expanding List of Discounts Nationwide… Major High Street Brands, including… Thousands of Local Retailers, including… New Offers Added Each Week… 3
How Does It Work? To make the card valid, it contains the Money Saving Card logo Customers show the card at the till to receive a discount Cards can be entirely designed to your specifications 4
What do we do for you? Integrate the scheme into your staff benefits portal Print and deliver your staff Money Saving Cards Provide high quality, responsive customer service 5
The Benefits of a Staff Money Saving Card Save your staff money with a savings card they can use every day Increase participation in the employee benefit scheme as staff come back regularly to the portal to check offers Increase staff loyalty to your company by putting your card in their wallet 6