Quality Control of Speakers in Schools Caitlin Watson Head of Public Engagement, Institute of Physics 8 May
Background l Teachers are searching for physics speakers l Any list of speakers implies a recommendation l No effective mechanism for ensuring quality of speakers l Need to avoid all unnecessary barriers to participation (on all sides)
Question l How can we, as a community, provide a quality controlled list of physics speakers for schools?
Existing provision l Departmental lists on organisation websites l ScienceLive l STEM Directories l STEMNET (ambassadors and brokerage)
Existing provision - issues l How do teachers know where to go or what exists? l Provision is often very patchy l Rating systems dont work or arent used l No way of monitoring performance or dealing with underperformers
A possible solution l PhysicsLive l Focus on individual speakers from HEIs and research labs l Curated by outreach officers l Support individuals and monitor activity l Common code of conduct and policies l Mechanism for confidential feedback to go to outreach officers rather than individual l Could feedback be compulsory?
Role of outreach officers l Act as curators of scheme by signing up speakers l See speakers in action l Get speakers to agree to code of conduct l Offer training and other support, eg mentoring l Collect and act on feedback provided by teachers l Publicise scheme to local teachers
Role of IOP l Convene working group to develop scheme l Identify funding partners l ? Host database on l Provide central contact and marketing to teachers and speakers
Outstanding questions… l …are numerous! l Skimming over ALL technical details for now l Discussion to focus on: l need l feasibility l functionality wish list
Discussion questions What is needed to: 1. make this scheme work for outreach officers 2. make this scheme work for speakers (individual physicists) 3. make this scheme work for teachers and schools 4. ensure teachers give constructive feedback? ALL. make this scheme well known and well used by all?
Discussion feedback l Short feedback from table facilitators l Do we do this?? l Volunteer to be part of the working group l Sign up sheet at front
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