Pressure Ulcers P. 790
Compare and contrast skin layers to pressure ulcers.
1. Where does a Pressure Ulcer most commonly occur. 2 1. Where does a Pressure Ulcer most commonly occur? 2. What is the main cause of Pressure Ulcers? 3. How can Pressure Ulcers be prevented?
Make a flashcard for each position. Five Basic Positions Make a flashcard for each position.
Explain why position changes are important for bedbound residents and describe basic body positions The five basic body positions: Supine position Resident lying flat on back Pillows under head and shoulders, arms, hands, calves; footboard with feet Lateral position Resident lying on either side Pillows support arm and leg on upper side, back and head; upper knee on pillow; pillow under bottom foot and between the legs.
The five basic body positions (cont'd): Prone position Resident lying on abdomen Small pillow under head and legs Fowler’s position Partially-reclined sitting position, head and shoulders elevated Pillow at flexed knees; footboard at flexed feet Spine is straight High-Fowler’s position: the upper body is sitting nearly straight up (between 60 and 90 degrees). Semi-Fowler’s position: the upper body is not raised as high (30 to 45 degrees).
The five basic body positions (cont'd): Sims’ position Variation on lateral side position, left side-lying position Lower arm behind the back and upper knee flexed Pillows under head, arms, flexed knee, and foot
Special Body Positions The Trendelenburg and Reverse Trendelenburg positions are used with residents who have special needs. For example, Trendelenburg may be used for a resident who has gone into shock and has poor blood flow. Reverse Trendelenburg may be used for a resident who needs faster emptying of the stomach due to a digestive problem. These positions always require a doctor’s order. Some electric beds have buttons or levers that place the bed in these two positions. Special Body Positions
The Trendelenburg and Reverse Trendelenburg are positions that always require a doctor’s order.
Add all body positions, stages of pressure ulcers, and types of burns to your Quizlet. Test Next Week! See next slide for incomplete assignments- irreversible “0” after Thursday due to end of 9 weeks!
Finish all incomplete work and email me when you have finished each assignment so that your grade can be changed! Midterms next week! Student Initials THIRD BLOCK D.C. and J.L. = Urinary System PowerPoint Slides Outline K.T. and Je.W. = Infection Control Test, Endocrine, Urinary, Reproductive PowerPoint Slides Outline (3 different assignments besides test) Je.W. = Infection Control – Bacteria, Infection Control – Pathogens and Nonpathogens, Birth and Beyond Test, Digestive System Test Ju. W. = Digestive System Test FIRST BLOCK M.F. = Anatomical Terms and Directions, Reproductive System PowerPoint Outline J.G. = Military Time (Day 1), Endocrine, Urinary, and Reproductive PowerPoint Slides Outline (3 assignments) Link on next slide
First Block Make-up Work Third Block Make-up Work First Block Make-up Work Third Block Make-up Work First Day- Military Time – BW (MILITARY) *J.G. Body Planes & Directions and Military Time (ANATOMICAL) *M.F. Endocrine System PowerPoint Slides Outline (ENDOCRINE) *J.G. *K.T., Je.W. Urinary System PowerPoint Slides Outline (URINARY) *J.G. *D.C., J.L., K.T., Je.W Reproductive System PowerPoint Slides Outline (REPRODUCTIVE) *J.G., M.F. *K.T., Je.W. Infection Control – Bacteria (BACTERIA) *Je.W. Infection Control – Pathogens and Nonpathogens (PATHOGEN) *Je.W. Infection Control Test (OSHA) *K.T., Je.W. Endocrine, Urinary, Reproductive, Maslow, Life Stages (BIRTH) *Je.W. Alimentary Canal (ALIMENTARY) *Je.W., Ju.W. Test Name Access Code