Lesson 2 Measuring words Felice Ting
Measure words It is recommended to start this lesson by introducing the photo mentioned in text I. This picture corresponds to that. You can click the speaker on the upper-left corner to play the text. At the same time, you can point at the specific person that’s being mentioned. After that, you could ask a series of questions based on the text. e.g. 这是什么?(point at the whole picture) 这是谁的照片? 她是谁?他是谁?这个男孩子是我弟弟吗?他是谁?我大哥有女儿吗?Etc.
Measure words 一张照片 yì zhāng zhào piàn For these 4 slides, students can read after the teacher, or read on their own. These examples expose them to the general pattern of the two measure words in this lesson, before we summarize the rule. 一张照片 yì zhāng zhào piàn
Measure words 这张照片 zhè zhāng zhào piān
Measure words 一個男孩子 yí ge nán hāi zi
Measure words 这個男孩子 zhè ge nán hái zi
Measure words 张 zhāng, is for things with a flat surface (照片zhào piào, paper, table, bed, ...)
Measure words 個 ge is for people
Measure words (5 photos) 五张照片 Now we provide students with some pictures to see if the students could remember to use the Measure Words and to choose the correct Measure Words. You can wait till after students come up with the phrase, and then show the answer.
Measure words nán hái zi nǚ hái zi 10 students Starting here, there will be no answer. By now students should be able to come up with the correct answer among themselves. nán hái zi 10 students nǚ hái zi
Measure words This teacher
Measure words That boy
Measure words This photo
二 er4 and 两liang3 2 older sisters liǎng ge jiě jie
二 and 两 2 photos liǎng zhāng zhào piàn
二 and 两 52 students wǔ shí èr ge xué shēng
29 photos 二 and 两 èr shí jiǔ zhāng zhào piàn The button “Click Here” will bring you back to the first page – Objectives, where you could choose another topic to practice.
#+MW+N. 1 dog 2 cats 3 students 7 teachers 12 Americans 34 pictures 4 older sisters 2 younger brothers
nà (zhè ) + MW + N. That student That picture This Chinese This boy That girl That teacher That dog This cat
Tā shì shéi? Who is he (she)?
Jǐ ge rén? How many People?
Tā men shì shéi? Who are they?
Tā men jiā yǒu jǐ ge nǚ ér? ( ér zi?)
Write the following questions and responses How many people are in your family? How many girls are in your family? How many boys in your family? Do you have a grandpa? ( grandma?) Do you have a dog (cat?)