Potential Energy The stored energy of an object due to its position.
Types of Potential Energy There are 3 main types of potential energy 1. Elastic – anything that acts like a spring or rubber band. Pushing a spring together creates a higher potential energy, or stretching a rubber band to flip at your friend
Types of Potential Energy 2. Chemical –anything with atoms where the bonds can be broken Putting fuel in a car, batteries to make things work, even the food you eat.
Types of Potential Energy 3. Gravitational – any object that can fall because gravity pulls on it. -Higher objects have more energy because they can fall further. -Objects with more mass have also have higher potential energy than low mass objects
Examples of Gravitational Potential Energy A coconut in a tree. Skateboard setting at the top of a ramp. A book sitting on a bookshelf.
When is Potential Energy The Highest? When the bow is drawn At the highest point of the pendulum swing. When the cannon ball is highest
Kinetic Vs. Potential Energy Kinetic energy can be converted to potential energy and then back again depending on the object’s position and motion.
Kinetic vs. Potential Example