In May, the President of the Swiss Confederation, Pascal Couchepin announced that the Tinner files, believed to number around 30,000 documents, had been shredded. (s. Der Entscheid fiel aber viel früher: November 2007: Der Bundesrat beschliesst insgeheim aus Sicherheitsgründen die Vernichtung eines Teils der Atomschmuggel- Akten: Baupläne für Atomwaffen, Gaszentrifugen und Lenkwaffensysteme.
Andreas Kellerhals August 15, 2009 Records Lifecycle Management‘s Contribution to Democracy and the Rule of Law: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Accountability Andreas Kellerhals August 15, 2009
Content Intro The SFA in its institutional context From Projects to a Program: The Federal Government’s RLM-Policy From decision making to implementation Concluding summary
Jurisdiction Federal Act on Archiving, 1998 Art. 1 Purpose and scope the Federal Assembly; the Federal Council, the Federal Administration […] and the units of the armed forces; […] the Federal Criminal Court and the Federal Administrative Court […]; the autonomous institutions of the Confederation; the Swiss National Bank; […] other public or private law bodies that fulfil executive tasks delegated to them by the Confederation, […]
Records Management Federal Act on Archiving, 1998 Art. 5 Information and records management 1The Federal Archives shall advise the offices required to offer their records for safekeeping on the organisation, ma-nagement, preservation and delivery of their documents. It may also offer such services to other bodies. 2It has the power to consult registries or information mana-gement centres of the offices […] and to consult the condi-tion of the documents held there. 3It shall issue directives to the offices […] the management, preservation and delivery of documents; […].
From Projects to a Program: The Federal Government’s RLM-Policy
Lessons learned Senior management commitment, top down approach Profit for the administration Systemic and business driven approach E-RMS introduction is not an IT-project
Launch of the Program
From Decision Making to Implementation
E-RLM-Program: Timetable 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Report & Actionplan Programm Management Parlamentary Affairs Governement Decisions … Interministerial processes (ongoing E-RM projects) E-RLM in the administrative bodies Management Guideline Cooperation Consultancy Education Supervision E-Archiving: System development Operating E-Archiving SPO for official documents (FoI) Preparatory Study Conception Requirements Management
Concluding Summary Benefit for the institutions and the staff Business Orientation / Process Orientation (business driven but technology inspired) Seamless and Streamlined Information / Records Flow Collaborative approach Modernisation of the Administration (E-Admi nistration) Learning institution
Democracy Freedom of Information Knowledge and understanding are difficult to assure, therefore, free access to information in decision making is a crucial criterion for democracy.
Archives and Democracy Federal Act on Archiving, 1998 Section 3: Access to Archive Records Art. 9 Principle of freedom of access and period of retention 1The archive records of the Confederation become available for consultation by the general public free of charge after the expiry of a retention period of 30 years, subject to the terms of Articles 11 and 12. 2Documents that were accessible to the public before their delivery to the Federal Archives remain accessible to the public. [e.g. according the FoI Act]
Rule of Law Control as state function sui generis Complementarity of control and accountability Criteria for filing and appraisal Legacy of the past
Information And Records Lifecycle Record Keeping in the Agency Business Activities Records Management Transfer to the Archive Record Keeping in the Archive ERMS-Implementation
New Customer Management Parliament Parlamentary Services Federal Council Federal Chancellery FDF FDHA DETEC FSUIT FO 1 FO 2 FO n SFA FO p FO x FOCOM FO y Parliament (Legislative) Parliamentary Services Federal Council (Executive) Federal Administration FCh: Federal Chancellery FDFA: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDHA: Federal Department of Home Affairs FDJP: Federal Department of Justice and Police DDPS: Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport FDF: Federal Department of Finance Federal Strategy Unit for IT Swiss Federal Audit Office FDEA: Federal Department of Economic Affairs DETEC: Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Federal Supreme Court (Judiciary) Federal Supreme Court Federal Insurance Court Federal Criminal Court Federal Administrative Court
SFA‘s Copernicanion Revolution ARCHIVE Profit by archiving Profit by archives Administration PRE-ARCHIVE Users NON-ARCHIVE
Self Assessment
Self Assessment: Roadmap