A Collaborative Q&A for Sign Language Content Caio Monteiro, Sumeet Arora, Varinder Grewal
Problem Locating SL video on the specific topic is not straight forward task. Successful results depend on the existence and correctness of the metadata. Problem becomes worse when considering the particular sign language.
Solution A collaborative Q & A where the members of the community would help each other other, to create the Sign Language content. Similar to Stackoverflow. A group of users trying to solve common task(Answering the same question) Asynchronous.
Social Issues Although the popularity of the video sharing sites have increased, number of users contributing to sign language remains less. Search engines rely on the metadata, which makes their accuracy less.
Social Issues
Cognitive Issues For deaf people they grew up with SL as their first language, hence written content is not reasonable substitute for them. Same written languages can have different sign languages.
Approach A web collaborative Q&A where users looking for some resources, would post their request and users who know about videos would share pointers. Gamification techniques to keep the user engaged. Encourage the content creation.
Division of Work. Caio: Database, testing. Sumeet: Front end web interfacing. Varinder: Back end, testing