An Association Created in 1857 by Chemists for Chemists!
15 local young chemists’ network An Association Created in 1857 by Chemists for Chemists! Structure of the SCF 9 divisions Organic chemistry Solid state chemistry Industrial chemistry Physical-Chemistry Catalysis Coordination chemistry Polymer and materials chemistry Energy Teaching / Training 15 thematic groups Biotechnology Environment Food and taste Chemistry Chemical Heritage … 15 local sections 15 local young chemists’ network RJ-SCF French young chemists’ network (- 35 years) Links with EYCN and IYCN
Events (regional, national, international) An Association Created in 1857 by Chemists for Chemists! Events (regional, national, international) July 2018: Our National Congress SCF18 July 2019: IUPAC2019 in Paris Travel grants for conferences in France and Europe Si on a des photos on peut faire 2 diapos