“Focus Group” Style Supervision for final year projects Lawrence Hill BSc. (hons) Paramedic Science
Refining your search strategy Implications of your review Summary and model Refining your search strategy Analysis of results Implications of your review Writing an abstract Topic 1 Topic 3 Topic 2 Topic 4 A simple, efficient and relaxed model for dissertation supervision. Students receive a bulk of their supervision time in facilitated groups on pre-defined topics Increase quality and consistency of dissertation supervision for students Reduce resourcing needed for supervision Enhance the student experience
Logistics and Efficiency Requires timetabling Discussion needed between facilitators to establish boundaries of discussion for each “focus group” Conventional Approach 40 students X 6 hours supervision = 240 hours staff time Equivalent of 30 full working days(!) Focus Group Approach Two X two hour group supervision sessions 4 hours supervision for each student 16 hours staff time Plus two hours “conventional” supervision per student 80 hours staff time Total = 96 hours staff time Efficiency saving of 144 hours = 18 full working days
Student Feedback What are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach to supervision compared to the regular supervision from allocated supervisors? Strengths Weaknesses “Focus groups are more useful/informative” “Viewpoints from other students, lecturers and other experts very beneficial!” “More motivating, relaxed and open” “Focus groups are very focussed on feeding back on how we were meeting the learning outcomes” Can be harder to hear sometimes Can be difficult for your own specific task in focus group Less specific to you as an individual.
Student Feedback What are the most beneficial aspects of receiving supervision in this way? Viewpoints from other students, encourages teamwork and finding solutions to common challenges Timetabled so this does not have to be arranged independently Helpful advice even if you haven’t made as much progress as others. Less intimidating, less pressurised, less formal = more at ease Consistency of information
Student Feedback How can this approach to supervision be improved? More time and smaller groups A break between stations to consolidate Separate rooms/bigger rooms per station to retain focus and maintain privacy More of them for other modules please.
Summary Simple concept -> consistency -> quality Generally very well received by students Less intimidating, less pressurised, less formal: more effective Logistically challenging and resource intensive