HEA/SEDA Conference: Open Horizons: Sharing the future Chris Rowell – TEL Advisor – Regent’s College, London.
About SEDA SEDA is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education SEDA is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education. SEDA is seen by many as the shaper of thought and initiator of action in staff and educational development, not only in the UK but in the international domain also. Resources to enhance learning and teaching and professional development 1. Events such writing retreats and workshops and seminars, a summer school for new educational developers (Academic Development for a Digital University) 2. conferences on academic development and learning and teaching in HE (last years conference at Aston on TEL) 3. a nationally recognised Professional Development Framework and Fellowships Scheme for all those involved in teaching and supporting learning 4. opportunities to join a vibrant community through a SEDA committee or working group or through contributing to SEDA research or to a publication.
SEDA as a OER Examples include: full courses, course modules, lectures, games, teaching materials and assignments. Open educational resources (OERs) are learning and teaching materials available for free online for anyone to use. Examples include full courses, course modules, lectures, games, teaching materials and assignments. When I first moved from being a Economics lecturer to a Lecturer in Education SEDA was the first (and only) place I could go to get resources to teach the Certed/PGCE/Ba courses I was involved with…..first with their publications and then by attending their conferences……
SEDA now has a new Special Interest Group on technology-enhanced practice: http://sedasig.wordpress.com/ The SIG’s mission may be to make the world a better place by improving student learning by improving teaching by improving academic development by appropriate use of technologies. And having fun. ….bridging the gap between Learning technologists and educational developers… If you would like to contribute a blog article (500 words) join the SEDA SIG via the blog or contact me directly rowell@regents.ac.uk
SEDA@20 SEDA@20 conference 17-18 May Leeds next year….separately bookable elements 2. Special edition of SEDA journal , Innovations in Education and Teaching International 3. Seda@20 Special publications
More information: Keep in touch and communicate with other SEDA members through seda@jiscmail.ac.uk SEDA: http://www.seda.ac.uk Twitter: @SEDA_UK_ Chris Rowell: rowellc@Regents.ac.uk or @chri5rowell