First-time test takers - $40 Re-testers - $10 per subject area up to a maximum of $40
Application Beginning Jan. 1, 2012, Only online applications will be accepted. You may download the confirmation page OR demographic information and mail with money order to our office.
Application Apply online with SAFE Account Valid state ID or driver’s license Credit card payment ONLY OR Mail application with money order Application must be notarized Fees are non-refundable/non-transferrable
SAFE Account Valid State ID Email address Ohio within minutes Out of State – 48 hours 1.877.644.6338 Email address Free – gmail, yahoo, aol, etc.
Eligibility 16/17 years of age – age waiver and parental consent form 18 years of age – age waiver or transcript indicating class has graduated 19 years of age and older – eligible to take test
Age Waiver Confirm applicant enrolled in district, community school or STEM school and was officially withdrawn Confirm applicant has been home schooled in district Confirm applicant is under attached court order
Eligibility Test takers are eligible to take the test up to three times per calendar year There is no waiting period
Preparation End of 2002 Series More testing opportunities – centers need to increase capacity Suggestions