Instructions for Template Review template Fill in/add or delete slides Insert photos Send to Development committee will review HQ will post
Zonta Club of… Please insert photos Please use this slide to insert your own club logo and pictures of the event/or other club photos.
Fundraising Event Please List: Club, Number of Members, District, Event Name, Event Type. Hint: Event type could be – “call for advocacy or service” event, seminar, workshop, conference, golf tournament, fashion show, barbeque, wine tasting, run/walk etc.
Overview Briefly describe your event – who, what, when, where, why? Please List: Club, Number of Members, District, Event Name, Event Type. Hint: Event type could be – “call for advocacy or service” event, seminar, workshop, conference, golf tournament, fashion show, barbeque, wine tasting, run/walk etc. Was this a recurring event? How many people participated? Where was it located? Was there some kind of entertainment? Food? Beverage? Was this a fundraiser for a particular program or project? If you were going to recap the event in 30 seconds, what would you include?
Planning How far in advance of the event did the planning begin? Who was involved in the planning? Who was the target audience for the event? Any other planning tips?
Promotion How was the event advertised/what media was used? Some things to think about: Did you write a press release? How was the information disseminated? Did you reach out to local media, what was this process like? Were they receptive, possibly give free or discounted airtime? Was there a presence on social media? Who handled the facebook page? This might not apply to events that were invite only. If this is the case, how were those invites decided?
Marketing Materials Please insert pictures and event promotional materials – (event, flyers, ads, press releases, invitations, and media coverage) add slides as needed. You can also send photos to
Financial Overview Expenses How much money was spent preparing for the event: in advertising, invitations etc. How much was spent on the event itself: the venue, food/beverage, entertainment etc. Were any of these expenses donated in kind? What was the total cost of the event: Income How were the funds raised: tickets, raffles, auctions, solicited gifts etc. What was the fundraising goal? How many of these funds were donated to the Zonta International Foundation? What were the total funds raised:
Successes/Challenges Please share at least one successful aspect of the event and why you think this was successful. For example: Did you have a larger than expected turnout? What factors may have lead to this above average participation? Or Did you make a really valuable local connection/formed a new relationship? What strategy did you use to engage this new contact? And please share at least one challenge that you encountered before, during or after the event. How might you (or another club) avoid this challenge next time? For example: Did you have trouble acquiring items for the silent auction in time? Did you decide that next time it would be better to start this process earlier and assign a silent auction lead person to streamline communication with donors?
Organizing Committee This slide could be a special recognition to your committee and club for putting on such a success event. Please list contact information for committee members only if you have their permission. Fellow Zontians might find it helpful to personally reach out for more information. Chairman and Committee Names Any other members or nonmembers that had a significant role in planning or executing the event
Thank You For Reading This Fundraising Story Thank you for viewing this presentation. To learn more about sharing your own club’s fundraising story please contact Thank You For Reading This Fundraising Story