Which is usually more believable? Verbal or nonverbal What is interaction adaption theory? What does it mean? Kinesics refers to the study of ___________? Example? Haptics refers to the study of ____________? Example? Chronemics refers to the study of _________? Example? Proxemics refers to the study of __________? Example? Paralanguage is the study of _____________? Example?
Film analysis next week Following week -- Midterm
Verbal, nonverbal, and listening
How do you have to use verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and listening (together) in during a conversation?
Charades vs. Taboo Which was more difficult? Communicating without verbal or without nonverbal? Explain. Easier or Harder? Taboo with nonverbal movements? Charades with verbal (descriptions)? What did the two activities teach you about the importance of both nonverbal and verbal communication? How did listening play a role? Nonverbal communication at your desk What do you feel you are communicating in class today? Was this intentional? What are you communicating today with your attire? Was this intentional? What do you think you are communicating verbally and nonverbally about your listening habits? (e.g. raising hand, being attentive, nodding, falling asleep)
Chapter 6 Lecture/Recap
Difference? More of an active process? Riding to the mall with my friend, Shannon. We decide to play the Elle Varner cd while we are on the road. Then, Shannon and I start to talk about her baby shower and how much fun we had with all of our friends. Are we hearing or listening to each other? Are we hearing or listening to the music? Working memory theory e.g. processing and storage while hearing Is listening impacted by culture? Gender?
Receiving Responding Recalling Rating
hear and attend Acknowledging the message (verbally and nonverbally) Selective reception Mindful vs. Mindless Ways to improve Eliminate noise and physical barriers Do not interrupt reception
Giving feedback Verbal? Nonverbal? Or both? Ways to improve Adopt others point of view Take ownership of words/thoughts/ideas Remember, your thoughts arent universal
Understanding, storing, and remembering Word-for-word? Could this be difficult and possibly hurt effective listening? Example What is the moral of the story? What year did the story take place? Was the mother helping her son or daughter? Who did the mother go to for advice? How many weeks did she wait before she returned? How many times did I say and? Ways to improve Repeating the information Mnemonic devices (e.g. acronyms) Chunking information
Evaluation and Assessment Do you agree? What is the context? Does the message have value? Facts vs. inferences vs. opinions How to improve Detect speaker bias Be open to change
For information (examples?) For enjoyment (examples?) For cultural understanding (examples?) For advice (examples?) To help others (examples?)
Personal relationships (examples?) Educational context (examples?) Occupations (examples?)
People-centered listening style Action-centered listening style Content-centered listening style Time-centered listening style
Noise (physical, semantic, and psychological) Message overload Message complexity Lack of training Preoccupation Listening gap
Selective listening Talkaholics Pseudolistening Gap filling Defensive listening Ambushing
Yz4xA8 Yz4xA8 zgC4 zgC4 Video Clip – My Wife and Kids (beginning, approx 7:30, 14:00, 18:10)
Evaluate your skills What type of listener are you…..(and why) ….when conversing with a friend about your weekend? ….when listening to a lecture? ….when watching your favorite television show? ….when watching a news broadcast?
Before we evaluate your listening within interpersonal communication, lets continue to evaluate your individual listening skills Practice your listening within two different scenarios; one from category A and one from category B Category A: favorite television show, new/unfamiliar song by favorite artist, favorite talk show, funny/interesting clip on YouTube Category B: news broadcast, political speech, class lecture (other than our class) Compare your listening for each: What were the similarities and/or differences? Were there any barriers involved? (noise, message overload, message complexity, etc.) Were you an effective listener? Why or why not? (use textbook terminology in your explanation) Now, wait until the next day (or at least a few hours); how much of each situation do you still remember? What helped you remember? Format: 2 paragraphs (must use textbook terminology and address all questions)
Prepare yourself to listen (physically and mentally) Examples? Provide empathetic responses and/or nonjudgmental feedback Practice your active listening Paraphrase Dialogue enhancers Ask questions Use silence to help with your listening
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Bring in a picture or an object that is important to you We will work on improving listening skills for interpersonal communication Sheet of paper, three sections Before… During…. (notes) After…reflection
Take a few minutes to respond to the following questions/statements: Any listening prep? What is your strategy for being an effective listener? What will you do as a speaker to help aid your listener in understanding (and remembering)? Do you think there will be any barriers? For example, do you think noise will be an issue?
Pick a partner. Tell them a story about the picture/object you brought in Switch. Repeat. Afterwards, ask each other some questions about your story. Did your listener retain the information? Why do you think that was the case? Reflect and share with your partner (take notes): Do you think you were an effective listener? Does your partner agree? Why or why not? What feedback did you give as a listener? For example: Did you acknowledge the message? Did your provide feedback? Did you use active listening? How did you retain the information? Did relational history play a role? Interest in the story? The speakers actions? What barriers existed? Pick another partner and repeat the process. (and another…)
How did you do as an effective listener? Do you still remember the information? Based on the feedback from your partner, what did you do well as an effective listener? What do you need to work on?
As a speaker, do you have to consider the listening skills of the person you are conversing with when involved in interpersonal communication? Why or why not? What strategic choices do you make in terms of your verbal communication? Nonverbal communication? Think about what is most effective when you are listening to someone. What helps you pay attention? Retain the information?