1 The purpose of feedback is to be helpful Feedback should include positive reinforcement of strengths Describe actual behaviour, not the individual person, personality or attributes Concentrate on areas the receiver can control and do something about Be specific; use examples to illustrate and avoid generalisations Giving Feedback Remember, you cannot not give feedback
2 Giving Feedback Pick an appropriate time and place Praise must be judicious, sincere and deserved Explain how and why they have been successful from the organisations viewpoint If 80% of work is good, spend 80% of time on this Focus on fact and observation to back up any interpretation Treat criticism as a comment on behaviour or results rather than a character defect or qualities Focus on supporting and helping, not imposing and blaming Most people welcome constructive criticism Allow for feedback on the feedback Finish on a positive note, even if that is simply agreement on how to address a difficult problem Remember to close the loop at next review meeting or before.
3 Guidelines for Giving Feedback Quinn et al (2003) Before you start: are you both ready? Is it in the right environment for both sides? Use I, not You indicating that these are your perceptions, thoughts and feeling To be credible, be ready to give positive and negative feedback Describe behaviours and your perceptions of it: offer specific, observed examples Give timely and relevant examples Dont assume too much: ask the other person to clarify, explain change or correct After feedback, give time to respond.
4 BOOST Balanced Observed Objective Specific Timely
5 Feeding the Feedback Observation Of behaviours and events Recording Noting what is said and done Classifying Behaviours (said and done) Evaluating Positive and negative effects Catch people doing good work and tell them
6 Non-Directive Feedback +ve -ve Duration of Feedback Session What went well? What do differently next time? What went really well? Slightly Higher
7 N egative State objectively, what was negative about the performance. I nteresting Make comment on an interesting observation on performance. P ositive State what was positive about the performance after observing. First Agree – Can we use this method? Then Ask – What were you trying to achieve? Directive Feedback
8 Effective Feedback How clearly do you respond to others? Can you read other peoples signals as to whether or not your feedback has been well received? Is you feedback behaviour goal connected? Do you find a way to give enough praise? Are you constructive in your response to others Do you take into account the possible impact of your responses on other people? Are you overly negative with others?