Consultation process on Milieu's national technical reports Part of Commission Assessment process on art. 11 On technical country reports : Letters and.


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Presentation transcript:

Consultation process on Milieu's national technical reports Part of Commission Assessment process on art. 11 On technical country reports : Letters and technical assessment reports sent to 20 MS except Malta, Greece and Poland due to non-reporting reasons. All feedbacks were expected on 23rd October 2015 13 MS replied: Cyprus, Germany, Estonia, Spain, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Finland, France, Sweden, UK, Netherlands and Romania. Now, DGENV and its consultant Milieu Ltd. are considering comments received on factual national elements : to finalise the Milieu's technical national reports and to write the Commission report and annex, including the country-specific recommendations

Consultation process on Milieu's national technical reports Part of Commission Assessment process on art. 11 Timeline : By mid 2016 Final Commission report and annex, including country-specific recommendations on art.11 Final Milieu's technical reports on art. 11 All art.11 assessment package will be sent to MS