STUDENT CHOICE PRIORITIES Redesigning School Counseling ASAI American 2.5 American Student Achievement Institute ASAI Redesigning School Counseling STUDENT CHOICE PRIORITIES Document 5.4 Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
RSC Beliefs
To prepare students for academic success Purpose of School Counseling To prepare students for academic success at the next educational level.
Guidance Counseling Achievement Achievement Guidance Counseling How School Counseling Impacts Achievement Guidance Counseling Achievement Achievement STUDENT CHOICES Guidance Counseling
RSC Process
Recruit Advisory Council Pre-Meetings Recruit Advisory Council Advisory Council 1 INTRO 2 VISION 5 Choice Priorities 4 Expand Resources 3 Student Choices 6 Root Causes Guidance Data Counseling Data 7 Activities Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Preparation Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Introduction ACTION Meeting 1 - October Advisory Council 1 INTRO 2 VISION 5 Choice Priorities 4 Expand Resources 3 Student Choices 6 Root Causes Guidance Data Counseling Data 7 Activities Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Preparation Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Vision ACTION Meeting 2 - November Advisory Council 1 INTRO 2 VISION 5 Choice Priorities 4 Expand Resources 3 Student Choices 6 Root Causes Guidance Data Counseling Data 7 Activities Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Preparation Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Student Choices ACTION Meeting 3 - December Advisory Council 1 INTRO 2 VISION 5 Choice Priorities 4 Expand Resources 3 Student Choices 6 Root Causes Guidance Data Counseling Data 7 Activities Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Preparation Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Expand Resources ACTION Meeting 4 - January Advisory Council 1 INTRO 2 VISION 5 Choice Priorities 4 Expand Resources 3 Student Choices 6 Root Causes Guidance Data Counseling Data 7 Activities Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Preparation Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Student Choice Priorities This month Meeting 5 - February Student Choice Priorities Advisory Council 1 INTRO 2 VISION 5 Choice Priorities 4 Expand Resources 3 Student Choices 6 Root Causes Guidance Data Counseling Data 7 Activities Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Preparation Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Root Cause Analysis ACTION Meeting 6 - March Advisory Council 1 INTRO 2 VISION 5 Choice Priorities 4 Expand Resources 3 Student Choices 6 Root Causes Guidance Data Counseling Data 7 Activities Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Preparation Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Activities ACTION Meeting 7 – April Advisory Council 1 INTRO 2 VISION 5 Choice Priorities 4 Expand Resources 3 Student Choices 6 Root Causes Guidance Data Counseling Data 7 Activities Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Preparation Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Preparation ACTION Post Meeting Advisory Council 1 INTRO 2 VISION 5 Choice Priorities 4 Expand Resources 3 Student Choices 6 Root Causes Guidance Data Counseling Data 7 Activities Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Preparation Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget ACTION Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute
Today’s Task
Given: We have identified many choices that we want students to make in order to be successful in school and prepare for postsecondary Our students are better at some choices than others We have limited resources (time / funding) Which 1-3 student choices should take priority as we design our school counseling program for next year?
Student Choice Priorities
STEP Review Prioritized Student Choices (from meeting 3)
STEP Review Resources (from meeting 4)
Student Choice Priorities STEP Select 1-3 Student Choice Priorities
How many priority choices should we tackle? DISCUSSION Given: The degree to which our students are already making (or not making) sound choices in areas that impact achievement The amount of time and funding available How many priority choices should we tackle? Which choices should be priority?
Student Choice Priority STEP Establish Student Choice Priority GOALS
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EXAMPLES STUDENT CHOICE GOALS STUDENT GROUP CHOICE CURRENT DATA TARGET DATA Kindergarten Have fewer than 10 absences per year 87 95 3rd Grade Turn in their homework on time 85 5th Grade Start saving for postsecondary education 18 75
MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAMPLES STUDENT CHOICE GOALS STUDENT GROUP CHOICE CURRENT DATA TARGET DATA 6th Grade Talk to an adult about postsecondary education 92 98 7th Grade Take a career interest inventory 20 100 8th Graders Create a 4-yr HS course plan
STUDENT CHOICE GOALS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMPLES STUDENT GROUP CHOICE CURRENT DATA TARGET DATA Freshmen Have a 4-year HS course plan 70 100 Juniors Enroll in AP or DC course 33 50 Seniors (free-reduced lunch) Submit a FAFSA 32 65
Tips . . . Make goals challenging, but reachable by the end of next school year Remember, lots of people can implement activities to you reach the goals: School counselors Teachers Parents Community organizations
Capacity Check: Given the resources available, including time, do we have the capacity for implementing activities that will address each of the student choice priorities in a effective way? If not . . . Obtain additional resources Omit one or more student choice priorities
Looking ahead: Root Cause: At our next meeting, we’ll look at data to help us understand why students don’t make better choices in our priority areas. Guidance data Social / personal need data Activities: At the meeting after that, we’ll design activities to address the root causes
STUDENT CHOICE PRIORITIES Redesigning School Counseling ASAI American 2.5 American Student Achievement Institute ASAI Redesigning School Counseling STUDENT CHOICE PRIORITIES Document 5.4 Documnt 1.4 - (c) 2008 American Student Achievement Institute