Bouncing Back From Drought, How Resilient are Citrus and Almonds? Mark Skewes Research Scientist – Drought Response Loxton Research Centre
Defining Resilience Crop Resilience Survival Productivity Business Resilience Individual Businesses Regional Economy
SURVIVAL Crop Resilience
11 February 2008
23 June 2009
30 June 2010
20 October 2011
PRODUCTIVITY Crop Resilience
Drought Monitoring Program
Yield/Applied Water (NP Almonds)
Yield/ETc (NP Almonds)
Yield/Applied Water (Citrus)
Yield/ETc (Citrus)
Crop Resilience Strategies Canopy reduction Reduce crop water demand Reduce stress Partial cover irrigation Reduce evaporative losses Some issues with recovery Sunscreen products Reduce stress Limited success
Almonds High water requirements Cost of production increasing Returns high Cost of replacement water generally justified Few plantings removed
Citrus Moderate water requirements Cost of production increasing Returns variable (varieties, markets) Cost of replacement water often justified Some plantings removed
Wine Grapes Low water requirements Cost of production increasing Returns low (often below cost of production) Cost of replacement water not justified Many plantings removed
REGIONAL ECONOMY Business Resilience
Drought vs. Murray-Darling Basin Plan Drought
Drought vs. Murray-Darling Basin Plan Drought Basin Plan
Conclusions Resilience measured at different scales Survival of permanent plantings is paramount Management techniques are available to maintained production Business survival is about more than just crop response to water deficit Regional economies generally coped with short term drought, but ?