Pre-Notes Demigod – person who seems like a God in some way Mein Kampf – My Struggle – outlines Hitler’s goals and beliefs Infrastructure - basic physical and organizational structures and facilities Sudetenland - northern, southwest, and western areas of Czechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by German speakers
Nazi Germany
People hate the Treaty of Versailles - especially War Guilt Clause
1. Cost of War reparations 2. Loss of valuable territory 3. Political dissatisfaction All led to rise of demigod promising return to glory
Nazis use: 1. Mass demonstrations 2. Special salutes 3. Special troops - Brown Shirts 4. Swastika as a symbol
1923 - Hitler attempts to overthrow Weimer Republic - fails
While in prison - Hitler writes Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf: Discussed his goals for Germany Said Germans - Aryans - master race Blamed others for Germany's problems Discussed the hatred of the Jews Desires to regain lost land and unite all German people
1932 - Nazi Party becomes largest political party Political Parties in the Reichstag June 1920 May 1924 Dec 1928 Sept 1930 July 1932 Nov March 1933 Communist 4 62 45 54 77 89 100 81 Social Democratic 102 131 153 143 133 121 120 Catholic Center 65 88 78 87 97 90 93 Nationalist 71 95 103 73 41 37 52 Nazi -- 12 107 230 196 288 Other 98 92 122 22 35 23
German President Paul von Hindenburg named Hitler Chancellor of Germany
Hitler creates Totalitarian State 1. Establish secret police - Gestapo 2. Outlawed all political parties 3. Imprisoned political opponents 4. Used censorship and propaganda 5. Banned unions 6. Controlled the economy
Focused on building factories and infrastructure - new highways
Ignores Treaty of Versailles Starts militarizing Germany
1936 - Moves troops into Rhineland
1938 - Unifies with Austria and takes control of the Sudetenland
1939 - Claims all of Czechoslovakia