Annual National Accounts 1. Situation of OECD annual national accounts database 2. New features of the joint OECD-Eurostat questionnaire Presented by Michèle Hainaut OECD National Accounts Experts Meeting 7-10 October 2003
1. Situation of OECD annual national accounts database Joint OECD-Eurostat questionnaire for the transmission of data Availability of data (see table pages 4-5) Improvements in completeness, timeliness and coverage for tables 0101-0112. Significant weakness: tables 0119, 0800 and 1400. Dissemination of data (paper, CD-ROM and OLISnet) Volume 1 Main aggregates - in January + electronic version updated quarterly and free on the Internet. Volume 2 Detailed tables - in July – the electronic version covers, in addition, detailed non-financial accounts by sectors.
2. New features of the joint OECD-Eurostat questionnaire Reorganisation – several of the tables 0101-0112 are merged. Suppression and reduction Tables 0113-0116, 0118, 0122-0127, 0119, 1400 are dropped Table 0800: transactions and sector detail are reduced. Extensions Table 0301-0303: A60 breakdown (ISIC Rev.3 division) Table 0303: additional employment breakdown by sector New table 0801: non-financial accounts by sectors (simplified) Table 2000: new cross-classification A17xPi6 New table 2600: balance sheets for non-financial assets Additional OECD requirements for capital stock data.
Recommendations Special effort should be made to supply tables by institutional sectors and table on fixed assets. Data should be transmitted on the day the data are released by Member country European Member countries are asked to send the questionnaire to both OECD and Eurostat at the same time using the same Email.