National Governing and Leadership Structure
What is ASDA? The American Student Dental Association is a national student-run organization that protects and advances the rights, interests and welfare of dental students. It introduces students to lifelong involvement in organized dentistry and provides services, information, education, representation and advocacy. ASDA’s mission statement, which defines who we are and why we exist. 2
Why does ASDA’s structure matter to leaders? Provides the framework to carry out business of the association. Shows leaders where to go for information. Helps leaders become experts on all things ASDA and pursue their leadership path. As a national leader, it is important that you fully understand ASDA’s structure and how we function. It will benefit you as a leader by knowing how to get things done in the most efficient manner, being able to assist chapters and members have a voice and get access to the information they need, and guide you for future leadership opportunities within ASDA.
ASDA’s governing structure ASDA House of Delegates Delegates: two representatives from each U.S. dental school ASDA Board of Trustees Executive Committee President and two vice presidents Executive director Speaker of the house Editor-in-Chief Immediate past president Eleven district trustees Standing Committees Editorial Board Membership Professional Issues Communications Advocacy Board Management Committees Governance Committee Committee on Sessions The importance of this slide is to show that ASDA members are the voice of the organization. The BOT communicates with councils and committees to make sure the voice of the member is represented. This slide is a great image to share with your local chapters as well as district meetings. Many do not know the structure of ASDA so help educate our 22,000+ members. Advisory Committees Predental Advisory Committee AS-IDP Advisory Committee 4
Executive Committee Oversees and administers the work of ASDA between Board of Trustees meetings Fulfills the directives of the house of delegates Reviews the budget and oversees fiscal planning Approves interim policy and procedures Who makes up the Executive Committee? President Two vice presidents Executive director Elected by the ASDA house of delegates The president serves as chair of the board of trustees which oversees the development and implementation of the association strategic plan and approves the annual budget. The president also serves as the chair of the executive committee, which is responsible for managing association business between meetings of the board of trustees, and serves as the official spokesperson for ASDA. The vice presidents assist the president and serve as spokesperson when requested by the president. 5
Board of Trustees Oversees and administers the work of ASDA Fulfills directives of the house of delegates Approves the budget Assigns work to ASDA’s councils and committees Appoints leaders Determines interim policy by 2/3 vote between house meetings Who is the board and how are they elected or appointed? Executive Committee: elected by the house Immediate Past President: assumes role after presidential year District Trustees: elected by ASDA’s 11 districts Speaker of the house: elected by the house Editor-in-Chief: appointed by the board The trustees wears two hats – at the national and district levels. At the national level, trustees oversee the work of ASDA, including the budget, leadership appointments, policy and serving as members of councils and work groups. At the district level, the trustees represent the chapters within their district and assist chapters with issues and growth. The speaker of the House guides the board in parliamentary procedure and governance. The editor-in-chief acts as a liaison between the editorial board and the board of trustees. The executive director manages operations and serves as the liaison between the board and staff. 6
Who is ASDA’s house of delegates? Two delegates from each ASDA chapter Speaker of the house Board of Trustees Secretary (ASDA’s executive director) Invited guests Each chapter is allowed two voting members in the House of Delegates to vote on ASDA policy and elect the officers. The Speaker presides over the business of the House and the Executive Director serves as secretary of the House. Other individuals who are permitted on the House floor include the board of trustees and those students serving as delegate reviewers. All other members and guests can observe the House proceedings, but cannot speak on the House floor or vote. 7
Role of the house of delegates Supreme legislative body of the Association Elects officers Determines the policies governing the Association Amends Bylaws and Standing Rules of the House of Delegates 8
Elections at Annual Session House of delegates votes on: Executive Committee Speaker of the house Districts elect their trustees Elections for all board of trustee members except the editor-in-chief are conducted at Annual Session. 9
Standing Committees Undertake long-term assignments and carry out the work of the house of delegates and Board of Trustees. Accomplish Strategic Plan goals by executing committees’ charges. Members are appointed by the Board of Trustees. ASDA currently has the following standing committees: Council on Advocacy Council on Communications Council on Membership Council on Professional Issues Editorial Board ASDA councils and work groups are the work horses of the association. Their work is driven by the strategic plan, resolutions passed by the House of Delegates and initiatives of the board of trustees. The board of trustees appoints the leaders serving on the councils, editorial board and work group. Each of these groups has a staff liaison to assist them in their roles and provide continuity from year to year. 10
Council on Advocacy Members include: Chair Five legislative coordinators based on region One Executive Committee member Two Board of Trustees liaisons Represents the interests of dental students on legislative and regulatory issues that impact the dental profession. The council launches grassroots initiatives to promote action-oriented advocacy in support of dental students and the patients they serve.
Council on Communications Members include: Chair Two associates Two video production managers Board of Trustees liaison Responsible for creating and disseminating information via various media channels. The council reviews content on the ASDA website and guides digital initiatives. The council acts as a resource for and promotes chapter communication efforts.
Council on Membership Members include: Chair Two associates Two Board of Trustees liaisons Predental consultant Assesses and develops resources that meet the needs of ASDA’s members and chapters. The council assists chapters and trustees with membership initiatives. The council oversees the Predental Advisory Committee and the Advanced Standing/International Dental Student Advisory Committee.
Council on Professional Issues Members include: Chair Two associates Two Board of Trustees liaisons Serves the association as a resource on matters that affect the dental student experience, including but not limited to: community engagement, public health initiatives, interprofessional education, diversity and inclusion, ethics, transition into practice and facilitating collaboration with other professional organizations.
Editorial Board Members include: Editor-in-Chief Five contributing editors Two electronic editors Works closely with staff to determine the strategy and themes for ASDA’s print publication, Contour. Editorial Board members develop the content for ASDA’s print publication and blog. 15
Management Committees The Board of Trustees may appoint management committees to address initiatives that fall outside the duties of the Board but require Board knowledge or expertise. Appointed by the Executive Committee. ASDA currently has two management committees: Governance Committee Committee on Sessions
Committee on Sessions Members include: Chair One Executive Committee member Immediate Past President Two Board of Trustees liaisons Responsible for the planning of the upcoming Annual Session. The committee maintains the importance of governance and policy associated with the Annual Session.
Governance Committee Members include: Chair EC Member Speaker of the House Two Board members Reviews the ASDA governance documents and proposes changes as to keep documents current. The committee ensures that all ASDA documents are consistent with the governing documents.
Advisory Committees These committees provide knowledge or advice to help standing committees achieve their mission. Appointed or approved by the Board of Trustees. ASDA currently has two advisory committees: Predental Advisory Committee Advanced Standing/International Dental Student Advisory Committee
Predental Advisory Committee Develops and provides feedback on predental student focused initiatives. Works closely with the predental consultant, and provides insight into ASDA’s predental members. Members include: Predental consultant Five predental members
Advanced Standing/International Dental Advisory Committee Works closely with the Council on Membership to develop resources and benefits for AS/IDP members. Provide feedback on initiatives for students enrolled in an advanced standing or international dental program at CODA-accredited dental schools. Members are appointed by the Board of Trustees. Members include: Chair Four members
ASDA staff Manage the day-to-day operations Carry out goals in strategic plan Serve members and support leaders Serve as liaisons to standing committees, board management committees and advisory committees