Van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait, (The Wedding Portrait) 1434
Van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434, Northern Renaissance, Oil Painting
London’s National Gallery
The heavy fabric and deep folds tell us that it is a cold climate therefore it is most likely the North.
Subject and Details The Arnolfini Portrait is a painting of a couple who are showing their social class as well as the relationship the two people have.
This painting is rich with detail and symbols which has been lost in present day, but were recognizable by viewers when the painting was created. Every object in this painting has a specific meaning. What is Representational art? What is Symbolism in art? is artwork that is meant to look just like something. Art doesn’t usually include words, so symbols are used in order to tell the viewer a message or even a story.
Details that we notice are the woman’s large forehead and the dress which is making her look pregnant. Ideas of beauty have changed since this painting was created. The woman is not pregnant as that would not be acceptable as the couple is not married.
Two figures are reflected in the mirror Two figures are reflected in the mirror. Above the mirror is an inscription, written in Latin, that means “Jan van Eyck was here/1434.” It has been suggested that the inscription was a marriage certificate, with van Eyck a witness to the ceremony.
Why do you think van Eyck only lit one candle?
By removing their clogs, it means that an event is taking place. The two figures folding hands also shows that the couple is joining in marriage.
The oranges may be a signs of wealth The oranges may be a signs of wealth. Oranges had to be imported, which was not affordable for most people at that time.
The little dog symbolizes fidelity (the common canine name Fido originated from the Latin fido, "to trust”)
Today art project you will be telling your own story through symbols and details that are important to you.
Elements and Principles of Design List 5 things that represent who you are and what you love. For example: soccer, shoes, music, gymnastics, or reading. Using a pencil, sketch what’s on your list. Include everything on your list. Your symbols can overlap each other or run off the paper. Add as much detail as possible to your symbols.
Elements and Principles of Design Use colored pencils to add color to your story. Use a black crayon to outline your symbols so they stand out. Create a background and use the whole entire space