Social Rejection
Where’s My Group You will be given a piece of paper with a saying on it. Your job is to find anyone else in the classroom that may have the same saying on your piece of paper. But this must be done without talking!
Social Rejection Everyone wants too be liked and accepted by others. Most people feel rejected at one time or another. This can range from a momentary cold shoulder to a permanent exclusion. You can be rejected for something you did or for what you failed to do, or the rejection may come for no obvious reason.
Being Alone Define: You choose to be alone. It can be relaxing. Time for reflection and thinking about personal attitudes, goals, etc. It is good to enjoy your own company sometimes. Have you ever felt alone? Did you enjoy it?
Feeling Lonely Define: Not feeling like you are part of a group, large or small. Usually feels left out or overlooked altogether when they really want to feel included in the group. Have you ever felt lonely? What did you do to change that feeling?
Rejection Define: Others prefer not to be with you. When you try to join in, you are shut out. Have you ever felt rejected by your peers? How did it feel? Have you ever been guilty of rejecting someone else and hurting them?
How are These Teens Feeling? Listen to the following case studies and decide if these teens are: being alone, feeling lonely or experiencing rejection. Case 1 Being Alone Case 2 Rejection Case 3 Feeling Lonely Case 4
Left Out Activity Everyone stand up and gather in a circle. The object of this activity will be to follow the commands I give.
Reasons for Rejection Physical Handicaps Super Smart Learning Disabilities Ethnic Origins Religious Beliefs Gender Geography (where you live) Family Income Skill Level Inappropriate Behaviors Family Structures
Ways to Cope Do I belong with the group I want to join? Do I make the first move to be friendly or pay attention to others? Do I miss opportunities for friendship? Do I invest in others? Do I build resources in myself?
Summary Being alone, feeling lonely and feeling rejection are all very different experiences. If you are feeling lonely or rejection there are positive ways to cope with your situation. Don’t ever give up! Homework: Rejection in the News. Due next class period.