Future collaboration in research on cumulative effects of human activities JPI – Oceans 3 december 2018
Cumulative effect assessment comes with many challenges: Lack of data and knowledge High complexity and high costs for dealing with knowledge gaps Lack of shared understanding of CEA and CEA related vocabulary (although: Judd et al, 2015 & Stelzenmueller et al, 2017) Mentioned in MSFD and Habitats Directive, but most MS struggling with the practical implementation of CEA. Dealing with uncertainty.
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda JPI Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans
20 Participating countries (+ Outermost regions) Coordinating and integrating platform across disciplines and sectors Added value: Increasing value of investments through improved cooperation Avoiding duplication Strategic alignment (policy measures) Range of tools (structural measures, pilot actions)
Joint Action: Cumulative effects of human disturbances NL, EE lead countries Aim Support managers in the decision making process on measures with regards to reaching GES, building on a network of scientists working on cumulative impact assessment. Objectives (connectivity and research) Build a network of scientific institutes and labs working on cumulative impact assessment and prioritize research needs in the light of management needs. Therefore, management bodies (like OSPAR and HELCOM) need to clarify the aims of cumulative effect assessment (CEA) and scientists can give research priorities (depending on management options); Address the type of research questions in more detail.
Roadmap JPI-O Goal A common understanding, compatibility and comparability of CEA’s carried out within the regional seas conventions (HELCOM, OSPAR, Barcelona convention and the Black Sea convention). How? Knowledge hub A research track organized in three phases: Building on a common understanding of and principles for CEA (in 1-3 years); Improving the compatibility of different methods (in 3-5 years); Testing and enhancing the usability and compatibility of approaches in case studies (in 5-7 years). A science – policy track aimed at adoption of common CEA principles by end-users