Monitoring progress of the EUWI-EECCA component


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Presentation transcript:

Monitoring progress of the EUWI-EECCA component Palle Lindgaard Jørgensen Technical Secretariat Helsinki, 24-25 May 2007

EUWI Annual report 2006 All components (Africa, EECCA, Mediteranian, Latin America, Finance Progress to be monitored - Indicators on the five objectives of the EUWI Inputs to indicators based on 2006 data Inputs from regional and thematic Working Groups leaders.

Indicators - agreements and cooperation processes No. of agreements between EUWI and water sector programmes or organisations 1.EU- Central Asia environmental Cooperation 2.Contracts EU Commission UNECE and EAP Task Force No. of cooperation processes in preparation 1.European Neighbourhood and Partnership Initiatives 2.Partnership EU Central Asia 3.EU Central Asia Joint Expert Group No. of cooperation processes launched 1.Joint Working Group meeting EAP Task Force 2.Working Group meeting back-to-back Water Convention Meeting

Indicators -National Policy Dialogues No. of NPD´s planned or launched 2 NPD´s launched 2 new NPD´s planned in 2007- No. of ongoing NPD´s 1.Armenia (Rural WSS Financing Strategy)- IWRM in planning 2.Moldova (Urban and Rural Financing strategy-IWRM in planning No. of stakeholder organisations participating in NPD´s 8 in Armenia 7 in Moldova No. of NPD´s contributing to developing financing strategies 1.Armenia 2. Moldova

Indicator – support to water sector Change in proportion of water aid to government sector reported in government budget No information available Change of water aid provided through coordinated programmes

Indicator- National basin programmes- as a result of EUWI No. of national basin management support programmes planned Pilot basin activities planned under NPD in Armenia and Moldova No. of ongoing national basin management support programmes No. of basin organisations established

Indicator-transboundary water management- as a result of EUWI No. of transboundary water management programmes launched No. of ongoing transboundary water management programmes EU Research- River Twin programme Black Sea and Caspian Sea programmes No. of transboundary agreements established 2 under TACIS 2006 Programme

EUWI Monitoring report 2006- EECCA component Data in draft monitoring report filled in by technical secretariat supported by Chair, UNECE and EAP Task Force Draft forwarded to WG prior to this Working Group meeting Working group asked for comments on monitoring report on a no objection base Deadline for comments- medio June to Technical Secretariat