Expectations and Policies
About Me… Originally from Charlotte, North Carolina Attended college at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington I majored in History I played soccer in college I taught in Dekalb County for 10 years, then took 4 years off to stay home with my daughter I returned to teaching because I LOVE IT. You will never see me complaining…
A Typical Day In This Classroom… Silent Entry Seated and prepared when the bell rings First 10 minutes is for attendance and organization – you will always have something to be working on during this time I will then proceed with the lesson We will engage in a review You will remain seated and quiet and wait for me to dismiss you after the bell rings
Things That You Need to Know: Tutorial TBD I am always available before school at 8:15
Electronic Devices: Cell phones, Ipods, earbuds If caught with any of these, it will be given to me and I will hold it until the end of the period
Talking There will be none unless you are prompted This is a learning institution; we cannot have excessive noise and disruption If you insist on not following this policy, you will receive one warning and then subsequent detention and phone calls home
Movement You may not get out of your seat If you have trash at your desk, you must wait unit you exit the room to dispose of it Pencils are not allowed, so no pencil sharpening will be necessary First time is a warning, and then we will proceed with the discipline plan
Kindness I like to kid because I believe it builds a repoirt with students… however, I will not tolerate any type of bullyingor intolerance You will be given a verbal reprimand and serve detention along with a call home for this type of activity.
Materials When you enter this class, you must have all of your things You will not be given a pass to retrieve your things – EVER.
Restroom Pass You may only leave the room with the designated pass I will log when you leave and return and check for any patterns etc.
Extra Credit I do not offer extra credit per-say, however, I do allow students to add bonus points to tests and quizzes if the student produces a word for the “Word Wall” Instructions for that will be given at time of assignment
Clean Up Exiting this room should be orderly Your desk must be clean, trash off the floor, wrappers, in trash, crayons, pens, and paper put away
My Things You are not allowed to touch my personal items These include my desk, the shelves, closet, and cabinets. No one is permitted behind my desk EVER.
Missing Work Work with an excused absence will be made up ONLY within the New Manchester High School Policy The time frame is one week Missing work will be entered into the gradebook with a score of a “1” True zeros will have a “0” Zeros are assignments in which you received an actual score of a zero and were not absent OR you did not make up your excused work within the one week time frame An assignment listed with a grade of “1” can be made up for full credit within the designated time frame for make up work
Organization In order to be successful, you must be organized This means having: Binder 5 dividers – one for each unit Paper or Spiral Notebook Pens
Consequences Generally, consequences will go as follows: 1st Time – Warning 2nd Time – Detention, call home 3rd Time – Referral However, some offenses require immediate action and can result in immediate detention or referrals