CLOE: A successful pilot project 25 February 2008, Brussels Mr. John Walsh Deputy Head of Unit 'Thematic Coordination, Innovation', European Commission, DG Regional Policy
Cohesion policy nurtures innovation System of regional and multilevel governance Facilitates delivery of integrated and innovative regional development strategies Concentrates finances on the poorer regions: EU support > own resources Encourages the exchange of good practices [Commission staff working document sec(2007)1547 of 14 November 2007 "Regions delivering innovation through Cohesion Policy" ]
Planned investment in Innovation by country - 2007-2013 All objectives UPDATE: € 99 billion (29%) of which EU15 € 57 billion and EU12 € 40 billion
A good start that needs to be followed significant financial resources are available regions need to adopt a strategic approach to regional innovation Clusters are a relevant component of innovation policy => a catalyst to integrate SMEs in the triple helix process
Cohesion policy, innovation and clusters are natural allies Regional clusters and cluster organisations facilitate co-opetition Transnational cooperation of clusters in EU 20% of the financing of cluster activities came from Cohesion policy (1) (1) A recent study by Oxford Research (European Cluster Observatory) 'Cluster policy in Europe: a brief summary of cluster policies in 31 European countries‘ CLOE was an INTERREG III C project led by the Office of Economic Development of Karlsruhe that gained prominence through its work on development and network arrangements created around clusters. In particular, the project developed a 'Cluster Management Guide – Guidelines for the Development and Management of Cluster Initiatives'; a practical handbook giving an overview of essential tasks to be undertaken within cluster management and designed to help regional actors, cluster and project mangers and their supporting staff to develop and manage cluster activities. The project was extended and a further budget of € 800,000 (€472,000 ERDF) granted by INTERREG West IIIC Monitoring Committee in March 2007 with the aims of increasing the number of representatives from new Member States, broadening the partnership to create 'deep delegations' (include the Managing Authorities) and establishing action plans to ensure the translation of the network's outputs into actions through the mainstream programmes.
Regions for Economic Change Interregional cooperation + urban development network = 375 m€ New aspects: 30 Themes Communication 2- way Bridge with mainstream Fast Track option
Fast Track =>Partnership in Action 2-way Bridge with mainstream: Identify priorities for networking linked to Operational Programmes (Ops) Participants in networks Working methods – capitalise on experience - action plans Deliver action plans through mainstream OPs Commission role in the Fast Track: Commission support – participation of relevant DGs Contribution to peer review Make links, managing authorities Dissemination
CLOE – Clusters Linked Over Europe INTERREG IIIC Project 2004-2007 Led by Office of Economic Development of Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemburg Focus on making links between cluster initiatives 'Cluster Management Guide – Guidelines for the Development and Management of Cluster Initiatives'; a practical handbook for cluster management Recognised profile CLOE was an INTERREG III C project led by the Office of Economic Development of Karlsruhe that gained prominence through its work on development and network arrangements created around clusters. In particular, the project developed a 'Cluster Management Guide – Guidelines for the Development and Management of Cluster Initiatives'; a practical handbook giving an overview of essential tasks to be undertaken within cluster management and designed to help regional actors, cluster and project mangers and their supporting staff to develop and manage cluster activities. The project was extended and a further budget of € 800,000 (€472,000 ERDF) granted by INTERREG West IIIC Monitoring Committee in March 2007 with the aims of increasing the number of representatives from new Member States, broadening the partnership to create 'deep delegations' (include the Managing Authorities) and establishing action plans to ensure the translation of the network's outputs into actions through the mainstream programmes.
CLOE: as a “fast track” pilot project Capitalising on the CLOE project 2004-2007 Pilot Fast track option: endorsed under IIIC Involved a short time and budget extension new partners including “deep delegations” involving managing authorities and other decision-makers: MoUs Outputs – working seminars, exchanges and action plans for each region Communication and transparency CLOE was an INTERREG III C project led by the Office of Economic Development of Karlsruhe that gained prominence through its work on development and network arrangements created around clusters. In particular, the project developed a 'Cluster Management Guide – Guidelines for the Development and Management of Cluster Initiatives'; a practical handbook giving an overview of essential tasks to be undertaken within cluster management and designed to help regional actors, cluster and project mangers and their supporting staff to develop and manage cluster activities. The project was extended and a further budget of € 800,000 (€472,000 ERDF) granted by INTERREG West IIIC Monitoring Committee in March 2007 with the aims of increasing the number of representatives from new Member States, broadening the partnership to create 'deep delegations' (include the Managing Authorities) and establishing action plans to ensure the translation of the network's outputs into actions through the mainstream programmes.
Early lessons from CLOE An intense process – 10 months established deeper relationships (MoU best pratice) “steering committee” has proved invaluable fostered relational capital establish and check benchmarks culture of peer review. The lead partner is required to perform more demanding activities. The role and commitment of the Commission was appreciated. Next steps ….. the work to complete. The process has been intense It demonstrated the advantages of establishing deeper relationships within and among regions and the Commission “Steering committee” which met in conjunction with the substantive seminars has proved invaluable to develop the relational capital, establish and check benchmarks, assess work done and establish a culture of peer assessment of partners' work. The Lead partner is required to perform more demanding activities in this kind of 'fast track' project because it has to act as an 'animator' of the activities, establish and check deadlines and disseminate results to all partners. The role and commitment of the Commission is instrumental in facilitating establishment of dialogue with the Managing Authorities, offering expert support consistent with EU policies and targets, helping to establish milestones and the focus on a results-oriented process, and encouraging the culture of peer review. Several Commission services (Regional Policy, Enterprise, Research and Information Society Directorates General) were involved in partnership in the process on the following aspects: analysis of the work programme, supporting the involvement of the Managing Authorities and helping to ensure the links with the relevant Operational Programmes aiming at the development of an action plan for each region to support development or consolidation of clusters, including an analysis of financial needs.