OSCE March 2012 A&E, PYNEH
Case 1 OSCE A 68 year old gentle man present with low back pain for 4 months. Initially the pain was mechanical which increased pain on moving and later it also occurred at rest.
What’s next Physical exam; Investigation: Chest, abdomen and PR CXR, XR of more region if appropriate Blood test: Ca, CK, PSA
Case 2 A 4 year old girl fell from bed with head injury 2 days ago. There was no loss of consciousness and no vomiting. On physical examination, the girl was actively playing with no neurological deficit.
Counseling CT scan Likelihood of neurosurgical intervention (the child is already stable for 2 days) radiation
Case 3 A 35 year old manual worker suffered an electric History: PE: Voltage LOC PE: Extend and depth of burn other exit wound circulation Investigation: CK, ECG
Case 4 Anterior or posterior dislocation: need scapular view
Hill-Sach lesion
Thank you