C182 G1000 Arrival (KAP 140) IAF FAF MAP Arrival Planning Obtain Wx Select approach Set altimeters (x3) Avionics Setup G1000 PROC Activate approach (within 30 NM) KAP 140 APR Brief the Approach Minimums—brief Altiudes—brief Initial rate of descent—calculate Lost communications—brief Missed Approach—review Approach to field check—complete Navaids—set Descent Throttle—reduce Prop—2400 (if back for cruise) KAP 140—ALT button (selects VS mode) KAP 140-- +/- keys for correct VVI KAP 140—verify “Alt ARM” C182 G1000 Arrival (KAP 140) Descent Check Power—as desired Mixture—enrich as req Altimeters—set (x3) G1000 alt tgt—set KAP140 alt target—set CDI softkey—nav source FMS/GPS—review/brief Fuel sel valve—both Flaps—as desired Cruise Descent 500VVI = 250/mi (120KTGS) Before Landing Check Seats/Belts—fasten Fuel Sel-Both Mixture—Rich Prop—High RPM Landing/Taxi Lts—on IAF Slow to 100 KIAS 90 KIAS/10 degree flaps 1 min prior to FAF (17-18”Hg) Throttle—reduce KAP 140—ALT button KAP 140—+/- keys for VVI (3o=450fpm, 5o=750fpm) KAP140—set next altitude KAP 140—verify “Alt ARM” Approach Runway In Sight KAP--140 off Flaps 20/30 Missed Approach KAP140—off Pwr—full throttle/2400 RPM Flaps—retract to 20 Climb—55 KIAS Flaps up—70 KIAS Cowl flaps—open Power—23” Hg, 2400 RPM—reduce to mixture to green G1000—select susp softkey (resumes sequencing), set heading KAP140—Engage AP engage HDG, Set VV (+/- keys) set target alt, verify alt Arm, activate NAV FAF MAP