Students How to register and join an online class as a student
Access Click ‘Register’
Type in your personal information
Click ‘Next’
Put a tick in the box Click ‘Submit’
Message sent to confirm your registered email Message sent to confirm your registered email. After the activation, the username and password will be generated.
Check your e-mail sent by Macmillan
Click this link to confirm your email address The username and password will be generated automatically. You can change or update this later.
Close this window and access again
Click ‘Digibook (Flash) user’ Access Click ‘Digibook (Flash) user’
Type in the username and password
Code activation
Click ‘Activate your code’
Click ‘Add’
Type in the code printed at the back cover
Click ‘Next’
Click ‘Activate’
Click ‘Close’
Close this window and access again
After completing registration and activating, you can see the level that you learn. You can click the highlighted button to enter.
For the ‘Main menu’ page, click ‘Digibook’ to enter an online book.
Type in your password (that you use for logging in) again.
This is the example of the Digibook.
Class joining
1. Open the ‘Main menu’ page.
2. Select ‘Markbook’.
3. Select the ‘Class manager’ button.
4. Click ‘Join a new class’.
5. Fill in ‘Class password’ given by your teacher.
6. Put your password (that you use for logging in) again.
7. Click ‘OK’.
8. After you’ve already joined the class, close the pop-up window.
When you select the ‘Markbook’ from the main menu, you can see your marks of each activity. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table to see more. If you select the ‘Print report’, you will be able to print out your marks of each activity.
The End