Clinical Aspects of MediTouch Products Presented by: Mr. Avraham Cohen, MediTouch CCO Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products Content Description Scientific Aspect Method Features Indications Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products Description Dedicated rehabilitation systems for upper and low extremity rehabilitation based on Impairment oriented training with augmented feedback. Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Scientific Aspect Impairment Disability Handicap Sensor-motor skill Functional Task Occupational Task WHO, ICIDH World Health Organization (WHO) The International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH) Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Scientific Aspect Impairment Disability Handicap WHO, ICIDH World Health Organization (WHO) The International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH) Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Scientific Aspect Impairment Oriented Training (IOT) Objective evaluations Customized practice WHO, ICIDH World Health Organization (WHO) The International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH) Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Scientific Aspect Rehabilitation Method Traditional Traditional + IOT Low tech Traditional + IOT Low tech + High tech Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Traditional Approach Mild range and low sensitivity of sensory-motor system Limited sensory-motor ability Increase compensatory movement Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Traditional With IOT Approach Full range and high sensitivity of sensory-motor system Decreased longer term problems Increased potential recovery Enhanced functional recovery Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Task-intrinsic feedback Knowledge of Performance Augmented feedback Visual Auditory Proprioceptive Tactile Knowledge of Result Knowledge of Performance Magill and Wood (1986) Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products Augmented Feedback (Lintern, Roscoe, & Silvier, 1990; Lintern, 1991; ) Lee, White & Carnahan 1990; Butler, Reeve, Fischman 1996, (Swinnen et al,. 1990; Swinnen, Walter, Lee & Serrien, 1993) Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products Types of Augmented Feedback Augmented Feedback Quantitative Qualitative Terminal Concurrent Terminal Concurrent Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products Acknowledge Knowledge of result (KR) Knowledge of performance (KP) Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products Acknowledge of Result (KR) Self assessment Patient motivation Low cognitive effort Short term compensatory performance Long term pre morbid performance Kernodle and Carlton 1992, Zubiaur, Ona, and Delgado 1999, Lee T, Swinnen SP, Serrien D. 1994 Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products Acknowledge of Performance (KP) Patient cooperation Self active intervention Cognitive effort Long term problems prevention Kernodle and Carlton 1992, Zubiaur, Ona, and Delgado 1999, Lee T, Swinnen SP, Serrien D. 1994 Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Ideal Augmented Feedback KP and KR combination Silverman, woods, and Subramaniam, 1999) Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Type of Augmented Feedback Indications Quantitative Qualitative Terminal Concurrent Initial stage Advanced stage Mild Impact Sever Impact Magill and Wood (1986), Intiso et al, 1994 Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Needs for Augmented Feedback Impact of sensory system Inefficiently of task-intrinsic feedback. (Trowbridge & Cason 1932, Bilodeau, & Schumsky, 1959) Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Method IOT and Feedback Rehabilitation Facilitation Rehabilitation Evaluation Rehabilitation Facilitation Rehabilitation Customization Patient Motivation Rehabilitation Follow-up Kwakkel G, Kollen BJ) (Woods, &Subramaniam, 1998, Annesi, 1998;) Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products The Insight Use it or lose it Use it and improve it Active practice Repetition Intensity Time Motivation Challenge Feedback Jeffrey A. kleim 2008, Wolf SL, Winstein CJ, 2008,Taub et al., 1993; Wolf et al., 1989 Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products Features Objective kinematics evaluation Customized Intensive Training Objective Follow-up All types of Augmented Feedback Research, clinical and home usage Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products HandTutor Indications Stroke Head injuries Spinal cord injuries Parkinson Cerebral palsy Multiple sclerosis Radial and ulnar nerve injuries Brachial plexus injuries Post hand rehabilitation Hand and forearm injuries Burns CRPS DCD Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products ElbowTutor Indications Stroke Head injuries Spinal cord injuries Parkinson Cerebral palsy Multiple sclerosis Brachial plexus injuries Radial and Ulnar nerve injuries Arm surgery rehabilitation Arm muscle weakness Burns CRPS DCD Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products LegTutor Indications Stroke Head injuries Spinal cord injuries Parkinson Cerebral palsy Multiple sclerosis Drop foot Ankle surgery rehabilitation Ankle muscle weakness Femoral or Tibial nerve injuries Burns CRPS DCD Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products AnkleTutor Indications Stroke Head injuries Spinal cord injuries Parkinson Cerebral palsy Multiple sclerosis Ankle surgery Ankle fractures or soft tissue injuries Ankle muscle weakness Peroneal, Tibal nerve injuries Burns CRPS DCD Clinical aspect of MediTouch products
Clinical aspect of MediTouch products