1ARV for Oct2004 IIC 1Association Remote Viewing 1Association is between RV and FB Sessions Influencing Your Present from Your Future is Remote Influencing yourSelf ( RIS)
1Association Remote Viewing 1Associatio n = E ntanglement between RV Session and FB Session – Cool Down starts the RV and FB Session Set Positive Intention and Expectations for Entanglement Objectively & Subjectively Feel RV-FB Entanglement as you – Write coord: » YourInitials-Date-A » YourInitials-Date-B – RV Session: RV Your FB Session – FB Session: RI Your RV Session FeedBack Session is the 1 Target – FB Session can be a PhotoSite (PS) Event – Or, – FB Session can be a WildCard (WC) Event Entanglement begins with FB Session and RIS We will be doing 1 prediction per week with increasing reliability.
PhotoSite FeedBack (PS FB) – FB Session can be a PhotoSite (PS) Event Pay a lot of attention to and energize the PS, like in – Outbounder Protocols – Sealed Envelope Positive-Fun Emotions Sense of Learning-Meaningful Viewer is in Charge of Intention, Attention and Expectation Entanglement begins with FB Session and RIS
PhotoSite FeedBack Example
WildCard FeedBack (WC FB) General comments first. – FB Session can be a WildCard (WC) Event Individual approaches are encouraged! RVer is in charge of RIS Applications! – self-actualization (WCs are for you!} Feel positive-fun emotions Feel that FB Session time is valuable, important, and meaningful to your life for the long-term
WildCard FeedBack (WC FB) – The specific intention for your FB Session is up to you, hey, it is your WildCard. Suggestions include: Describe/Sketch a PhotoSite (PS) – I will be happy to send you a PS which can now serve as your Target. – Use random PS from Google Image Search, e.g., put in your coordinate and use first PS listed. – Use random PS from sealed envelopes. Intend and expect to receive advice from your Sub about improving, even further, your 1ARV Hit rate Intend and expect an answer to any Question/Issue of interest to you. Use sealed envelopes with a mixture of PS and Questions – choose one randomly. Open Session - let your sub provide whatever it wants to provide. Nothing – pure meditation
Initials-Date-A or B
WildCard FB Example
FB Session Describe and Sketch what I need. Your sub Enhance Entanglement Energy Exchange - Intention - Attention - Expectation 1ARV – The Handshake RV Session Describe and Sketch what I need. Your sub UCC Universe of Collective Consciousness Tasking Cues and Mind Set Precognition Begins with the Truth during the FeedBack Session Influencing Your Present from Your Future is RIS
Comments/Discussion Send RV and FB Sessions to Me – We are no longer using the website, at least for now. 1 Prediction per Week (5pts, Up vs. Down as before) – Transcripts due by Wednesday 6:30am PT, starting with this Wed, November 2, 2011 – Trade entered next morning, Thursday 6:30am PT Establish WildCard Intention in Advance of FB Session, for example: – Do envelopes in advance, or Set-up random PhotoSites on your computer – Have a specific question or issue in mind – Or, it is okay to intend to not be specific until the beginning of the CoolDown, and then let specific intention develop for that WC FB Session