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Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL ADDRESS.
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Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL ADDRESS.
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Presentation transcript:

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The Victor’s Voice FOR GOD AND COUNTRY JUNE 2018 COMMANDER John Edens 229-444-3534 ADJUTANT/1ST VICE CDR Tony Hammerling 841-0710 2ND VICE COMMANDER Glenn Zeigler 619-889-8103 3RD VICE COMMANDER Jim Littlefield 261-3338 850-944-0032 FINANCE OFFICER Ray Hamel 850-630-3486 HISTORIAN Cassie Viechec 850-619-9623 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Jeremy Soeken 850-898-4778 CHAPLAIN Barry Hines SERVICE OFFICER(s) Donna Hudson 423-383-3446 ALR DIRECTOR Dave Viechec 850-619-9706 SAL COMMANDER Bruce Robertson HOUSE COMMITTEE Dave Viechec Tere Beckman Glenn Olson Bob Ohning Lounge Manger Sue Terry POST LOUNGE 850-455-6111  ..COMMANDER’S COMMENTS. May brought us a very interesting Election Day this past General Meeting. We finally have a new Commander after 4 years – thank God. Also, over half the staff is brand new officers this year, which is great for the Post. The Post accomplishes many programs during the year, we sincerely could use some help running them. Get in touch with Dave Viechec (your new Commander) or someone on the staff to let them know you are willing to help. Dave promises to continue to do his best to keep this Post on the up side, and a friendly place to bring your friends and family. The Riders and the SONs of the Legion still have their elections coming up this month. Please come out if you are a Rider or one of our SONs to support your group and help at their elections in June. They need help running their programs and meetings, also. This Post would not exits if it weren’t for members participating and keeping our groups thriving. June will be a busy month for the Boys State Program. We will run two Boys State Orientation Meetings and assure the High School Seniors get on the bus the 17th of June for their trip to Tallahassee. They will return on the 23rd of June. The Memorial Brick Project, in front of the Post, just got a second order of bricks in and they were placed on Memorial Day. Thanks again to Bob Stoughton for his dedicated time and effort getting this started last year. Now, by mid-August we will make another order for the Engraved Bricks, and place them in the Brick Memorial Garden on Veterans Day. So, you still have three months to order your memorial brick for a Loved one or Close Friend. Just stop by the Post Lounge and fill out an order form for a Memorial Brick. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY….. John Edens, Commander;   LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Kim Edens229-444-0869 CHAPLAIN Sherry Hamel Membership Eddie Herrington

Membership News Auxiliary Kim Edens, President Unit 240. 1st Vice : Membership: We are currently at 103 %for the year. I would like to congratulate the new 22 members voted in the April’s meeting and thank all that helped us reach 103%, we are at 1013 members and the 11th largest legion in the state of Florida. If any member would like a copy of Post 240 Constitution/By-Laws/Lounge rules, let me know and I will e-mail you a copy. Help reduce cost of publishing and sending the Victor’s Voice, by signing up for email delivery by sending your request to Another reason for getting your Victor’s Voice by e-mail is that you can get any updates and/or events coming up. ******* Membership dues for the upcoming year(2018-2019) will be $40.00, starting 1 July, 2018. A list of the 2018-2019 post officers is attached. If you pay online, it takes 4-5 weeks to get your membership card, if you come to the post and pay, you can sometimes get immediately or in 3-5 days. VICTOR’S VOICE NEWS------ July’s Victor’s Voice will be the last issue mailed out to our members. As of August 1, all Victor Voice newsletters will be online. There will be four(4) ways to get the newsletter: 1) come to the post and pick up a copy, 2) on Facebook, 3) on our website – or 4) thru email, send your name, member number and email address to Any questions contact the commander-elect. Tony Hammerling – 1st Vice/ Adjutant For God & Country   Auxiliary   At our Past meeting in June, we elected new Officers for our Auxiliary. We would like to congratulate all new officers and wish them a successful year. Also, ladies if you want our Unit to continue on, you must start attending meetings on the second Tuesday of the month (6:30pm), we need your help to make this Unit a vital part of Post 240. We can not be successful, helping our Veterans, without your help. So please come out on the 12th of June, we promise to make our meetings worthwhile and fun for all. . Kim Edens, President Unit 240.

************POST EVENTS********* . Monthly meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. This month, on the 19th of June, we will have elections for our 2018-2019 Officers for the SONs. These meetings are going well, but we need more of you coming out and participating, especially for elections. Our SON's Golf Tournament Fund-raiser for the “Special Olympics” was changed to August 12th this year. Get a team together and come have some fun. We need everyone's support to make this Fund-raiser successful like we have done in the past. Bruce Robertson, 1st Vice, Squadron 240 Son’s of American Legion Hello Riders, Hope all had a great May, the May meeting was cancelled due to Mother's day. Our next meeting on June 10, 2018 will be the final round of nominations and elections.  We are looking for a new director so let's have a good turn out. We will also be presenting a check for Angel man's Syndrome at this meeting hope to see everyone there. DAVID VIECHEC ALR 240 Director for God and Country. Legion Rider News ************POST EVENTS********* 3 June – Fish fry/Car show 9 June - Dist 1 mtg & elections @ Post 235 14 June - Flag Day 17 June - Boys State bus leaves for Tallahassee 24 June - Boys State students return 26 June - House comm mtg, Executive board mtg & planning board mtg ***** Queen of Hearts drawing every Friday @ 6PM***** Post 240 BINGO  Post 240 Wednesday Night Bingo is still going good. We can always use extra help to walk the floor and call the winners, so please volunteer. REMEMBER, our Bingo is open to the PUBLIC. There are at least six $250.00 Jack Pots every Bingo night and most regular games are $50.00 winners. Bingo starts at 6 pm with warm-up games, and the main games start at 7pm. Come join in the Fun, bring a neighbor. Bingo Chairman – John Edens