The third Scottish National Dementia Strategy Amy Dalrymple, Head of Policy, Alzheimer Scotland Scottish Care annual conference 10 May 2017
Developing the Strategy Dialogue events – winter 2015 (Hiatus – 2016 Scottish Election) Proposal – published spring 2016 ‘Expert Group’ – autumn/winter 2016 Scottish Government writing furiously – spring 2017 (More electoral hiatus – local elections and now Westminster General Election) Publication – now scheduled for June 2017! [from GH]: Proposal published 2016 along with analysis report of the dementia dialogue process – showed top concerns: more Link Workers needed, difficulty of implementing integrated home care despite obvious benefits, anticipatory care as key to good palliative and end of life care, workforce training opportunities should be more flexible, family members should be allowed to stay with loved one in hospital throughout stay, reduce staff turnover in care homes through better renumeration and career progression
What will be in the Strategy? Diagnosis Post diagnostic support Integrated care at home Palliative and end of life care Quality in all care settings Recognition and support for family carers Dementia friendly communities Improvement support and workforce development Diagnosis – done better, people in control, done early enough for care planning PDS – person-centredness/flexibility – higher demand ref incidence report Jan 17, but as prevalence remaining more stable, indicates people are getting diagnosed nearer the end of their lives – older, possibly in receipt of other services including residential care. Also 3 primary care test sites – Nithsdale, Shetland and North East Edinburgh Integrated care at home – build on 8 pillars, link to SG Integration objectives PEOLC – link to SG SFA work, testing ADPM. Geoff keen on advance planning. (PEOLC now in integration team along with dementia, at SG). Workforce devt. Carers DFCs Improvement – FoD and linked HIS programmes
Alzheimer Scotland 8 Pillars Model of Community Support
Alzheimer Scotland Advanced Dementia Practice Model Based on the 8 pillars
Key issues Biopsychosocial approach Continuity of care and support Support for those providing day-to-day care Integrated provision Valuing contribution of all interventions Integration requires valuing contribution of each ‘service’.
What needs to happen to make this happen? National bodies support it – how do we get it done?!