EasyEOI Manage your EOIs received Edit and send them to your clients Update interest and collaboration status
Login: www.EasyPP.eu
Find one of your published POD profiles
Here ….
… or here (https://eenpod.easypp.eu):
Your view of EOIs received
Your view of the EOI with link to Merlin
Access to the EOI on Merlin
Edit the EOI
Edit the EOI
Save the EOI when edited
Send the EOI to your client…
… as a link in a mail
Client’s view when using the link
Client tell us if the EOI is interesting
Thank you note to client when saved
We notice that client’s interest is updated
You can add a new EOI to the list, e. g You can add a new EOI to the list, e.g. received by mail (and not from the POD)
You can also send a status summary of all EOIs to your client …
… as a link in a mail
Client’s view when using the link
Client updates collaboration status and …
… and saves it
Thank you note to client when saved
Client’s view of all EOIs, their interest and collaboration status
Join the EEN IMT LinkedIn group for updates Thank you! Questions: max.maupoix@swerea.se Join the EEN IMT LinkedIn group for updates