Comparing Fractions
With the Same Denominator If two fractions have the same denominator, then the one with the largest numerator is the largest fraction. Example 4 5 > 3 5 9 7 < 12 7
With Numerator Equal to 1 If fractions all have a numerator of 1, then the one with the smallest denominator is the largest. Example 1 4 > 1 7 1 5 < 1 3
In General If the denominators are all different and the numerators are not all 1 then the task is to work with equivalent fractions. These equivalent fractions will all have the same denominator. Lowest common multiples will be used.
Example Which is larger 4 5 or 5 7 ? What is the LCM for 5 and 7? 35
4 5 = 28 35 5 7 = 25 35 So it is easy to see now that 4 5 > 5 7 by 3 35