Disadvantaged Pupils: Expectations of Staff
The Expectations of… Class Teachers Ensure pupils in your classes are punctual, prepared and productive by… Meeting and Greeting pupils – by first name in order to build positive relationships & start learning immediately Having an effective seating plan – which is conducive to learning & is reviewed regularly Identifying your ‘Rising Stars’ on your ‘Rising Stars’ display (PP children making less than expected progress) Being aware of who your PP pupils are, particularly those making less than expected progress, and more able pupils Praising your PP pupils more and developing mentoring relationships, ensuring they feel ‘special’ Giving bespoke feedback Following the Rising Stars plan
Expectations of… Leaders Being aware of the gaps between PP pupils and non-PP pupils nationally in achievement and attendance Being aware of the ‘Rising Stars’ Being aware of the most able PP pupils Ensuring that effective strategies are in place to close gaps Monitoring the quality of provision for PP pupils Building positive relationships with PP pupils
Expectations of… Pastoral team Ensuring PP pupils are prepared, punctual and at school on time every day Being aware of who in your caseload is PP and building effective relationships with pupils & parents Targeting learning behaviour walks on PP pupils
Expectations of… Teaching Assistants Being aware of who PP children are, particular those who are making less than expected progress (Rising Stars) and more & most able Building positive relationships within and between lessons Mentoring PP pupils where possible Working with the class teacher to support PP pupils through agreed wave 1 strategies Providing extra support where directed linked to core skills – eg. 1:1 reading etc.
Expectations of… Attendance Officer Building positive relationships with PP children & their families Prioritising PP pupils for first day attendance procedures Having a ‘PP pupils first’ approach to reward programs, interventions etc.