Welcome to science class! Ms. Rosendo
Student card Full name (begin with last name) Phone number Email Medical conditions and any known allergies (e.g. nuts) Emergency contact information Full name Relationship Phone Hind part: What do you want to do after high school?
Possible Evaluation forms Exams (100 points each) Quizzes (10 points each) Special assignments/projects Classroom Worksheets/labs Science Fair** (TBD)
Extra credit opportunities Notebook with stamps Homework
About the exams There will be more than one exam format. If absent, there will be NO retesting without a VALID excuse (e.g. doctors note). Some extra credit may apply to tests.** If you get a low grade, there are options: Submit a retest request form** ( depending approval)
About the quizzes May be given by surprise or with previous mention. Will be administered the first 10 minutes of the class. NO quizzes after the first 10 minutes. They will be summed and that will be a full grade. If absent, ONLY valid excuses can retake the quiz.
ABOUT THE PROJECT Project will be a research based one. 100 points There will be a complete rubric and a specific due date. NO PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER DUE DATE. Always follow the rubric.
About worksheets and labs Every worksheet is due the same period we began it; unless indicated otherwise. They will be graded on how much effort you put in and how much you got right. Books Notebooks Other materials are allowed when working on worksheets, unless indicated otherwise. Labs will have a specific worksheet format and a scientific lab report will be due the week after the lab was performed. They will be summed and that will be the final grade. NO extra credit towards this evaluation form.
Lab reports Consists of: Abstract or summary of the experiment Brief introduction Methods or protocol Results Discussion and Conclusion References used Due at the beginning of the class. Place on same area as homework. NO lab reports will be accepted after class starts. NO lab reports will be accepted after the due date without a valid excuse.
NOTEBOOK WITH STAMPS – EXTRA CREDIT Each group and/or activity will have a specific stamp that will signify that you finished that work IN the classroom. Each stamp, depending on activity, will be worth up to 2 ½ points. These points will be summed to: Tests Notebook must be clean, organized and up to date ALWAYS. If not you will not receive ANY stamps.
Homework – extra credit All homework is due BEFORE class begins the day it has to be turned in. NO homework will be accepted after class begins. If there is homework due, once you come in to the classroom take out your homework and place it on my desk. These points will be summed to: Tests If there are two TWIN homework, NEITHER of the students will get credit.
About absences There will be a absent work folder on the wall, when you return you need to turn in the work past due on the day of your return. NO notebook stamps. Homework can be accepted if turned in the same of return. Each group will have a designated colored paper, that way it is easier to find what is yours.
Classroom rules Respect is of utmost importance. Always be a team player. NO cellphones are allowed in class; I prepared myself to give you the best science EVER! Be sharp and focused on what is going on with the class… remember QUIZZES CAN HAPPEN. Always follow safety rules if we are working with a lab experiment. Follow instructions. NO PLAGARISM. Any work that is plagiarized or not cited will be an automatic 0.
Lets do fun stuff this year!