Workshop on flood management in local planning 8th – 10th April 2008 Bad Radkersburg/Gornja Radgona (A/SLO)
A clearly drafted, interesting and informative report will be prepared in a month.
Overview Major aspects of FRM in local/regional planning (link) Necessary conditions for restoration of rivers and floodplains in urban environment (link) Field-trips: - Mura/Mur river restoration in border section to prevent river bed erosion (Austrian side) - Levees construction for flood protection with inundation area restoration and preservation Presentations (good practice and identifying obstacles for FRM and LUP goals harmonisation)
Workshop summary Key issues of the cooperation between the FD and SP on the local scale have been identified and given prioritisation Special emphasis should be put on communication, cooperation on a local, national, interdisciplinary and transboundary level. (link) Technical issues are handled well in the member states. Legal issues (policy harmonization) turned out to be more complicated (sectoral and also intersectoral).
Workshop summary FRM with catchment approach concerning local or regional planning needs longterm and sustainable approaches. (This is not sound with political periods interest) Funding has to be considered to finance the requirements of the implementation of the FD on local level. Coordination of FD with WFD was strongly urged (FD is daughter of WFD). FRM in urban environment needs different approaches than in rural areas (compensation for multipurpose riparian land use – exemption from land use taxes)
Issue prioritisation
Additional outcomes !!Development and economy growth put pressure for land use in flood hazard areas. (Flood plains are cheap and easy for construction), (Private profit VS tax payer money -User pay principle). Climate changes were not handled in detail. (Need for retention area preservation and restoration). Flash flooding were more briefly handled (Austria/Slovenia); ice jams flooding (Finland); coastal flooding was not addressed. More spatial planners should be present.
Next topics? Land use planning in catchment scale – need for methodology guidelines Meeting different levels in planning hierarchy (national, regional, local) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
(back) Remain/ new risk Regional, transboundary Local units “Risk stakeholders” should condition the spatial planning and what is significant risk increase (?). – self-regulating mechanism ! (information about spatial plan preparation, what/who causes floods risk increase, … ) (back)